Chapter 8: Felicita

Start from the beginning

"Hey," says Felicita, "If you want to talk about anything. There's always me that you can talk to," she continues, putting her hand on Angelica to reassure her friend. Angelica smiles and places her other hand on Felicita's hand, "By the way. . . you sure have become closer to Luca and Pace." Felicita continues, changing the subject.

"Yes," says Angelica, "They're nice to talk to. Well. . . I have always been surrounded by men. And so have you." She jokes and they both laugh merrily. 

"I really love your eyes, Ann," says, "They seem to be so deep like a well. . . so deep. More like an abyss actually. . . And I don't know if you notice but your eyes seem to shimmer at times."

"Really?" Felicita nods as Angelica chuckles, "Well, they do say that the eyes are the windows to the soul."

"Is it true?"

"I can't say." Replies Angelica.

"Felicita!" shouts a masculine voice. The ladies turn and saw that the voice belonged to no other than Liberta, "I have been looking all over for you," he continues, addressing to Felicita who responds with a puzzled look, "I finally found where we can have--you know a place just for the two of us." He says while scratching his head. Felicita blushes, remembering that Angelica is there, too. Liberta, looking at her, realizes the same, too, ending up blushing as well.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Angelica says, smiling. The couple turns to Angelica, still embarrassed. 

"U-um, okay," says Felicita, still blushing, "But--"

"Hey, we can always talk later," Angelica says winking, "Now I'll leave you two alone. Liberta!" He quickly turns to Angelica, "Take care of Felicita, okay? Now have fun you two!" She says walking away with the Zianese cat in her arms.


"I'm so sorry! I didn't notice her. Sorry to interrupt you two. . ." says Liberta a moment later. They were heading into the forest behind the mansion since barely anyone goes there. He held a basket with his right hand and on his left he was squeezing Felicita's. Two years ago, Felicita hasn't chosen a man to be her lover, until she finally realized her feelings for Liberta just a few months ago. Nova still seemed pretty glum about it though. Heartbroken. Felicita feels guilty every time she sees Nova, but Liberta tells assures her that Nova will get over it. Though she wasn't completely convinced.

"No, it's all right," she says, squeezing Liberta's hand, "I was planning to talk to you anyway." 

"What is it?"

"It's about Angelica."

"What about her?"

"She's been acting strangely lately. . ."

"Are you sure? 'Cuz she just seems to be getting better and better," he asks, surprised, "Maybe she just started to get used to us. Isn't that how it works?"


"Should that be weird? Or you just letting it get to you?" He says, "You know about the fact that she's still hiding something from us?" He continues.


"Okay, I know you're concerned, but shouldn't force her to spill everything you know. . ." he says, "Speaking of which, she's been visiting Mama lately."  

Felicita whirls her head, "What? Why?"

"She's seem to have been having heart-to-heart talks with Mama. Well, that' just what I think, okay?" Liberta says, trying to avoid conflict here, "Hey, that's the spot I was telling you about!" He suddenly bursts out, pointing ahead. Felicita turns to where he's been pointing at. Her jaw opens in awe as she realizes that there's actually a riverbank there.

Her eyes saw the water shimmer in the sunlight. The willow tree's leaves swaying to the wind, "See? What did I tell ya?" Her thoughts interrupted, she just turns to him and chuckles.

"Then lets head there. Race you there!" She says, breaking into a run. The couple start racing to the riverbank, laughing.

"Hey, I'm carrying stuff you know!" exclaims Liberta when they finally reached it.

"Sorry, I was excited." She replies, placing a mat on the ground, a moment later.

"Here." Says Liberta, handing her a plate and places some food with sweet aroma.

"Thank you!" She quickly starts eating and smiles, realizing that the food was delicious. He, too settles down and starts eating. It wasn't long when Liberta broke the peaceful silence.

"So, what else did you find out about Angelica?"

"Well, she said that those men were after her because she took something from them And that she is not alone. . ." says Felicita, while holding her chin.

"Huh . . . that's weird. . ." says Liberta, "Why would. . ."

"I'm actually thinking if I should go through her memories."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," says Liberta, "I wouldn't go with that."

"Why? You asked me to go through your memories before."

"I asked you. But she didn't," says Liberta, "I forgot them. She remembers and practically wants to forget them, but she can't. Plus as you said, she doesn't want to have anyone know about it."

"But I need to find out what is bothering her," Felicita insists, "We are supposed to help the needy. And if she's running away from those problems we should help her prepare to face them and fix it." She continues, trying to convince him that what she's planning to do is essential and necessary.

"But still. . . I still want you to just let her tell us when she's ready." He replies, followed by a sigh.


"Don't. If we do anything rash, we might lose her trust."

She sighs, "Alright." She reluctantly replies. Turning back to her food, the girl didn't realize that their journey has long already begun.


Hi, guys! Hoped you liked the chapter. I have to inform you that from now on the updates will be slow cos I am actually and currently writing more than one book. If you like you can read the other books I am writing. Thanks!!

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-BalladPhoenix with love

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