Chapter 15: Her Story Part 3

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We gasped at the horrible sight. Our eyes laid on a pale man with a horrified look on his face. Naked and his neck seemed to have been squeezed indicating that he was choked or perhaps strangled to death. On the bed was Angelica, covered by the blankets, tear stains were obvious and her eyes seemed puffy and red. Her eyes were filled with hatred, we didn't know what triggered it, but fear gripped our shoulders tightly. Even some of the maids ran off, terrified. We didn't know what to do.

It was the first time I felt afraid of a woman.

We buried the body later on and had Angelica isolated from the others with the boss asking her questions on what had happened. She said nothing though, so no one really found out what had happened. Because of her sheer defiance, she stayed isolated for the next few months with only Cecilly visiting her. The girl constantly visited Angelica, bringing her food, clothes, even blankets.

It was so unexpected.

One day, Cecilly seemed to be in a panic, bringing a bucket of water and towels and blankets. It was almost winter anyway. But everyone heard it. The cry of a baby. It echoed through the halls of the whole house, alarming everyone. Wondering whose baby it belonged to.

We rushed to the sound where it was coming from. It was chaotic, people pushing you forward, the noise that they were making. Upon arrivig to the sound, a few of us realized that it was the room Angelica was isolated in. A girl pushed the door open and we were greeted by the startled eyes of Cecilly and Angelica.

"What's going on here!" Boomed the voice of our boss, "Well, well. What do we have here? So this was why you wouldn't talk. . Your customer impregnated you," he laughs evilly, "But you couldn't hide it forever can you?"

He's the father?!

The girl only looked at us faintly before she passed out. I felt surprised to not have heard her screams. Did she actually endure the pain all this time?

Did she actually keep quiet to keep her baby safe?

But why?

Later we transferred Angelica into a room with the baby. Cecilly as her helper. Loyal friend, huh? Actually I heard a rumour that said that Cecilly was being bullied by the other girls for being Angelica's friend. And, of course, Angelica came to the rescue.

Most of us never find out the origin of a whore, so it wasn't any surprise if some of them actually had fighting skills. They said that Angelica was fierce, somehow able easily to disarm two women (who happened to be former bodyguards).

Which turned into a rivalry.

Anyway, the boss was quite upset. Other than Angelica being "off duty" for nine months, she took care of her baby for four months. Making a year and a month out of work. Which also disappointed our customers.

It wasn't long until our boss decided to take the baby from Angelica.

"Where's my baby??!!" Screams Angelica.

Did I mention that Cecilly was supposed to be at Angelica's side? Well, she was, but was made to be on duty. WHICH I believe you are aware of what that means. And I wasn't there to see that. So other than knowing that Cecilly having a customer to entertain that night I know nothing.

"Angelica, what's the matter??" Cecilly asks, barging into the room. She gasps to not see the baby in Angelica's arms.

I was unlucky to be there at that time.

"Ronaldo!" Yells Cecilly, charging towards me.

And I received a not so painful beating from the girl.

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