Chapter 19: Sacrifice and Responsibility

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"How can you act like it was so simple??" Asked a shocked Pace. "It took us a while to master!"

"I-I. . . I don't know. I just did it. . ?"

"Also. . How did you heal quickly?" Asks Dante.

"I believe that it was because of La Stella." Angelica replies calmly. "She healed me."

"But how?"

"I don't understand it either." She replied calmly.

"Guys." Mondo interjects sternly, silencing them. "Angelica, please tell us the rest of your tale." He says, addressing to the girl

"Papa, this isn't for entertainment, y'know."

"I apologize if it sounds that way," apologizes the man, "but please continue." The girl resumes her tale, telling them even the smallest detail.

Angelica confesses that from the inn onwards, she had remained calm and stoic. Based on her experience, men like taking advantage of those who're actually emotionally weak. Bernardo didn't seem to notice though. The girl didn't care whether he did or not, but just the same, they arrive at the place and the girl hated it there. She didn't have a warm reception (in her eyes). Well, why would a prostitute have warm receptions? The other girls despised her the moment she came. Only Cecily became her friend. Bernardo visited frequently, does anybody know why? No. Ot wad only between him and her. He slept with her a lot, too. Whatever happened about them suddenly falling in love, more like he fell for her first. It was a mystery to both lovers.

"That remimds me. . . Why did you kill that customer?" Asked Mondo, suddenly remembering what the man had told them. "I've been wondering about that one."


"You strangled a customer." Explains Mondo. "The customer who impregnated you."

She stiffens, "Oh. Him. . . He was my previous master's son. The one who sold me to prostitution." The girl calmly replied. 


"He came to mock me." She continues. "And out of retaliation, I killed him." Her companions' eyes widen, realizing that she intentionally killed him.

"Um, what. . . What became of the baby?" Luca asks hesitantly.

She sighs, "I have no idea. He was spirited away." The girl tells them with sadness in her eyes. "They refused to tell me what became of him."

Silence quickly took hold of the atmosphere. The clock ticked as each second passed. The fire thrashed about in the fireplace as wood waa being thrown in. Angelica's grim face only made the others worry even more, but they didn't know how they could be of some comfort to the woman with a complicated past.

"How and when did you plan to escape?" Asks Sumire, breaking the silence. "You did know the dangers you'll be facing if you get caught. . ?" The woman adds.

"I knew it would cost me my life," starts Angelica, "but it was worth trying. Bernardo thought so, too." She chuckles, "He wanted us to run away together. But. . . It was not meant to be. Fate forbade it."

Felicita takes hold of her friend's hand and held it tightly, "You said that the one who came was the previous master's son. You were a slave already?" She asks.

"Yes. My master was kind." She tells them smiling at the memory. "All the people in the household were. Even Madame Giry, his wife. She surprisingly treated me somewhat like a daughter, though I was just a mere servant. Their daughter was just like them. . . Kind, friendly. . Always smiling. I was her maid. Even if we were actually the same age. We grew fond of each other and I went everywhere with her." She chuckles a little, "She didn't want me to leave her side. . ."

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