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JB pov


Thousands and thousands of voices can be heard roaring at once all around the arena.

"This is the last song for tonight, hope you guys enjoy " I shouted with my charming killer smile that had many girls screaming with happiness just before the music to the song is heard.

This is my life, this has been my life ever since I decided to pursue my dream of being an idol. I had always thought that this sound all around the stadium would fuel me up to carry on my life as an idol, it did at the beginning in fact it does still but now it is only during that few hours I'm in this stage that this sound is able to bring excitement, fire and fuel up my body, as soon as I'm out of this stage the excitement drains and that feeling of loneliness hits me like a wave when I remember that I have to return to an empty apartment, no warmth, no one to hold on to me when I fall asleep. I am left alone in this world, no one not even my parents are present to celebrate the fact that I am successful in my life, no one to reassure to me that this decision I took in leaving my own flesh and blood to follow my dream is the right decision, at times I question myself "did I make a mistake somewhere in life to be this lonely?". It is true there are thousands and thousands of fans gushing over my work, my physical appearance, but that was never enough to remove that feeling of loneliness in my life. But now I have no choice than to accept and brace this life and carry on with this fake façade I create to make my fans happy.


"Quick JB get in the van, you have a plane to catch." Said my temporary manager as I kicked out my previous manager, because he made me mad as hell.

This is another thing I hate about this life, constant nagging, JB do this, JB do that, JB you have to be here at this time. And I guess my uncontrollable temper is another aspect which comes with this loneliness I'm feeling. All in one package. Ha my sense of humor is bad as well like my temper.

"why do we have to go back to Korea so fast, you said that my schedule free after this concert, so why do we have to rush." I asked with my rising anger.

"Can't help it JB, it was free earlier but while you were on stage Director-nim called and informed that he found a permanent manager for you, so he wants you to meet that person soon as possible and sign the contract and recruit him. I am also needed immediately with Mark-shi, you know right I am his permanent manager." Went on the manager but I just tuned him out after hearing that I'll be getting a new manager. Ehhhh another new nagger.

"Okay, let's go and get this finished and tell Mark that I told him thank you for letting me burrow his manager and that I will do whatever he does to return this favor." Saying this I just left to get ready for the long flight from America to Korea.


Yepeeeee. I got a job in JYP.

Ahhhh I'm so happy. I always wanted to ne a singer, but was never able to because I'm not that confident about my voice, my mom always told me that I had a really nice voice, but I never believed it so I' m just satisfied with the fact that I am at least able to be a manager of a successful star. I hope the idol who I have to manage is a person I really like. According to the director I am appointed to a world famous star, so it must be either Mark or Youngjae or Jackson or JB. Speaking of JB, I know that he is very popular but he seems to be a person with attitude and I really hate big headed people like him so I hope I will not get to be his manager, I love to be Jackson's manager though, he is a really good person, kind hearted, social and fun person.

"Ah! There you are! How was the concert JB?" said the director bringing me out of my thoughts, I turned to look and saw the person I hated the most with his signature handsome smirk with his cute two eye moles- wait! Did I just call him handsome? Cute eye moles? Oh no! God what is happening to me?

"JB! Meet your new manager, shall I call this fate? Coz this lad here has the same name as me Park Jin Young!" said the director with a huge laugh. JB was looking at me in a very weird way, I swear I saw his hollow looking eyes flash with something which could be nearly explained as hope for a second but it returned back to hollow. Looking at him now I realize I have never seen him smiling fully recently, the smile he had when he started off as an idol, which was significant during award shows and variety shows, but who cares, I hate him I just hope I can cooperate with him to get that big much needed salary to save my apartment.

"Really? Nice to meet you park jinyoung-shi." JB said while extending his hand to me, which I shook and damn his hands are soft as fuck- ehhhh here I go again.

"Tell me Jin Young-shi if you don't mind me asking I'm just interviewing my to -be - manager why do you need this job?" asked JB which surprised me by his polite tone. I never expected someone like him had politeness in him.

"Oh that's fine! I just want to save my apartment as I have not payed the rent for days" I said shamelessly. What is happening to my? Why am I not shy around this man?

"In that case why don't you move in with me Jin Young-shi?" asked JB

"Eh but that takes away the whole purpose of this job. Doesn't it JB-shi"I asked again in a tone even I didn't know I had.

"Oh you can use that money for anything else, perhaps save it, beside you have to move around when I have to go for events in different countries, wouldn't it be inconvenient for you to keep on moving around. You will be needed in my house for my work like bringing songs for finalizing and all, so I think it would be easier for you to move in with me." What is this man doing? I questioned myself. Why do I need to move in to his house when I hate him to the core? Okay so he doesn't know that I hate him. Besides his points are pretty reasonable. JB might have seen my face scrunching up because the next words proved it.

"Don't worry Jin Young-shi I will not eat you or do anything to you." Said JB.

I had no choice than to move in with him "Okay, I will move to your house. When should I start moving?"

"Great! I currently do not have anything in my schedule, so why not now? I will drive you to your house you can collect your most needed and valuable things and tomorrow we can get the rest. Is it okay with you? Asked JB in a gleeful tone.

"Okay, let's go then" I said with defeat.

"Okay that's confirmed then! Well done JB you handled the situation pretty well" said the director, who I forgot was in the room with us at that moment, with a proud smile.

So the first chapter is done. Pls ignore any errors. I didn't have any time to proof read it since I did this when I had an assignment which I have to submit today

So till next time Annyeong!!!


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