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You quickly grab her by the arm and pull her with you as you move over and behind another injector pile thirty or so feet to the left of the one you were currently at. Your mind is racing as fast as your heart as you place one hand over your chest to ground yourself, feeling your heart hammer underneath your fingertips. In your other hand you hold hers - and herself as closely to yourself as you can as a means to not let her wander.

The sound of metal scraping against rock echoes throughout the dome, causing small tremors through the ground and some debris to fall from the top of the ceiling in certain places. You can feel the vibrations in your teeth. What in the everloving FUCK could that be? You're trying to not panic, and it's one of the hardest things you've ever had to do in your life. Of course, the only person that could be indispensable to this entire situation is basically incapacitated and completely useless to you. This is just your fucking luck.

You pull in a deep breath to suck up your nerves, and take a small chance to peek around your makeshift cover and look in the direction of the noise. In the darkness, you scan around the large room looking for any sign of what could have been making those noises so you can assess the.. situation properly.

You're not seeing anything out of the ordinary, just piles of injectors, dirt, and an endless sea of murky, sparkly darkness. Spinel is tugging on your arm, so you turn to look back at her to tell her to hold on, seriously are you kidding me right now - and you almost miss the shift of movement on the ceiling. You freeze - heart pounding in your ears, eyes glued to the spot you thought you saw shift.

You think at first your eyes are playing tricks on you, and that it might be some of the luminescent dust falling off the ceiling.. but a weird shift in light makes you think otherwise. Something.. something large slowly hangs down from the high ceiling of this room until it finally drops to the ground deliberately with a loud rumble that shakes everything around you - and you slap a hand over Spinel's mouth before anything comes out of it. You're holding your breath as you watch this..

Oh you're much too terrified to deal with this basically alone. You're not equipped to deal with this at all, and if there were some kind of higher being out there, watching you? You'd flip them off right now if you had the mental capacity for it. Your brain is having a hard time comprehending what it's seeing, honestly. Light shimmers again, but there are so many piles of injectors out in the middle and you're still on the outer edge of this room that you're having to squint to really make out anything.

Before you, maybe about fifty or so feet away is a dark shaded, large.. vaguely insect like creature. You don't think it's actually insect like at all but it's the most earth-like thing you could compare it to, considering the only thing you can actually see from it between all the pillars of garbage is a long moving midsection taller than you at full height as it drags itself against the dirt floor. It's covered and dripping the same exact shit covering the walls, floors, and ceiling - leaving a fresh trail of whatever the hell is all over everything else.

It's.. it's fucking huge.

Your hand is trembling against Spinel, still holding it against her mouth. You do not dare to move. It's basically physically impossible for you anyway because you're too frozen in fear. You're praying it cannot see or sense you or Spinel in your current location.

You can hear more than see anything as it's dragging its body in loud thunks coming from what you're guessing is it's legs, sending vibrations everywhere. It's clearly secreting a glowing fluid as it moves to the direction of the pile of injectors that Spinel had made noise from earlier, a mere dozens of feet from you now. You still have no idea what the front half of it even looks like.

Seconds that feel like minutes go by with the rumbling, and you feel your hand get disgustingly wet.

"Wha-" You pull your hand from her mouth briefly to see that she had licked it - goofy grin covering her face. You school your face into more of a stern expression, wiping some of the fear from it and lean into her space closely.

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