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(thanks for being patient! sorry im so slow sometimes lol)

You wake up several hours later with a migraine. You don't even want to open your eyes as you groan silently inside your head. Everything hurts terribly. You lay there for a few moments, and move your arms to massage your temples. The pressure against your skin helps, but you still feel quite a bit of the pressure inside your skull.

You don't even know what time it is. You look around you to realize there's a bit of light. Adjusting yourself slightly, you move your arms in front of you. You.. realize that Spinel is holding your center tightly, and you can't move. You can't even tell if she's sleeping or not, so you lay there quietly for a moment to gauge her breathing. It's.. steady enough, so you're pretty sure she's asleep. You try to move her arms away from you ever so slightly, and she tightens them and clears her throat. You freeze.

"Uhh," You say out loud. "Can you stop touching me now? I kind of need to go to the bathroom."

"..you tryin' to escape me?" She finally says after a few moments. You sigh aggravatedly out loud at her.

"No. How could I even get very far? You're right here." She makes a noncommittal grunt at that, but doesn't make an effort to move. God you can't stand her. You don't think you could even be friends with her under normal circumstances, nonetheless being forced into a friendship with a murderous clown against your will with no chances to escape. The sooner you can find a way off this miserable rock, the better. "I'm not joking. Let me go so I can pee."

"Fine. I'm coming with you, though." She replies, and moves her arms enough so you can fling her limbs off you and sit up. You turn around to see her staring at you, and you wonder if she watched you sleep. You fight off the shiver even though you're a bit creeped out at the prospect.

"Please don't tell me that you're going to watch me." You shoot her a look, and she raises an eyebrow.

"Watch you what?" She asks, and you fight off another groan of frustration. Fuck all of this.

"Nothing." You exhale, and get up to go outside to relieve yourself. Spinel follows you, of course. Cursed gem, this one. Why couldn't you have been taken by a Pearl instead, you think to yourself. This entire ordeal would've been a lot easier to deal with.

It's so bright outside once you actually walk out, you feel like you haven't seen light in forever. It takes a second for your eyes to adjust, but once they actually do you nearly open your mouth in shock at the state of this sun. It's freaking huge, for one. Like, several sizes bigger than the sun you're used to seeing. This one is also red, and something about it doesn't sit right with you.

You really gotta get off this planet.

"You ever see a sun like this?" You turn to face her.

"No. This one's weird." She squints at it. Not very helpful, then.

"Okay well, don't watch. I'm serious." You say, and lean your side against a nearby tree. She turns her head slightly to not face you. Whatever, good enough you guess.

You slip your pants off, but fumble for a second due to an item being in your front pocket. You pull the small object out and your heart drops for a moment. And then it picks back up rapidly. It's blue and bird shaped, and tied to a keyring. It's.. it's the small tracking beacon that you have matching with Steven. You.. you can't believe your luck. You never have this on you anymore.

Many years ago when you started going out on missions with the crystal gems, Steven used to beg and cry about having you not come with. He was so worried constantly, even though you were extremely safe with the gems, so you promised him you'd get something to make him feel better. And you got both yourself and him matching beacon keychains. So if you ever got lost, or something went wrong, you always had a way for him to find you. You stopped carrying yours regularly years ago since Steven started joining in on the gem missions, and mainly had it on your keyring for decoration and sentimental reasons. It must've fell off and into your pocket somehow. Now to just find a high enough hill to place this upon without Spinel noticing..

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