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You pull away from her face nearly instantly in shock.

"What the fuck!?" You shout at her, and she looks just as dumbfounded as you feel. "Why the hell would you do that!?"

"Your face looked cold, I don't know." She states, and you slap her face before you can think about it. There's a resounding echo across the room and she grabs your wrist, snapping her face back to yours. Her expression changes into a glare.

"Fucking try that one more time, and I'll find a way to gut you." You spit out with as much acid as possible.

"I hardly think what I did was deserving of that!" She growls out in anger.

"Ohh, you clearly don't get it!" You try to move out of her arms, and she struggles to keep you in place.

"Sit still! You're freezing and going to die if I can't get ya warm!!"

"No! I don't CARE! It's better than SITTING IN HERE WITH YOU!" You shout loud enough to hear yourself echo outside.

"You'd rather DIE than let me help you!?" Her grip on you tightens almost unbearably.

"YES!" You reply, not understanding how she doesn't fucking get this. She stares at you incredulously for several long seconds. The wind is howling in the distance, and you still hear thunder very far away.

"Why the fuck do you hate me so much!?" She spits out between her teeth, and she looks pissed but also strangely hurt. You stare back at her.

"Let's get this fucking straight, SPINEL," You enunciate her name harshly. "Because I've got a long list, and you don't quite seem to understand this. You came to Earth and without introducing yourself, you immediately try to kill the ONE person that I would gladly die for. You STILL haven't fucking told me quite why you did that, BY THE WAY." She opens her mouth for a second, but you cut her off. "Shut up, I'm not done. You THEN for some god awful reason, you take ME to this HORRIBLE PLANET! You think I wanted to come here!? NO! I'M AWAY FROM STEVEN AND I'M ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED FOR HIM. I can't seem to find a way home and.. everything here sucks! I have no idea why you brought me here, I have no idea who the fuck you're supposed to be and why you wanted to murder Steven, I have no answers! And on top of all of this, you won't stop touching me like I'm some fucking piece of meat you bought! Do you know how many times you've asked me about what I wanted!? NONE! ABSOLUTELY NONE. IT'S BEEN ALL YOU. EVEN JUST NOW." You huff out, completely winded, the rage inside you still burning.

"You never even asked me for my name." You finish with, and glare at her.

"Okay, ya' haven't exactly been a saint either," She tries, and your eye twitches in aggravation.

"YEAH? WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE, TELL ME." Your voice is shaking, and you can't tell if it's from the cold or from the anger.

"Ya keep hitting me, for one, and two, you're a complete as-"

"YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ON ME. I'M DOING ALL THIS IN SELF DEFENSE!" You shove at her chest, and she growls in frustration.

"I'M TRYING TO HELP!" She blurts out angrily, and you are trying to not scream. "Just sit still, because I'm not letting ya go, okay!?"

You're shivering from the cold and from your fury, and you don't know what to do. You won't let her think it's okay to treat you like this.

"I don't get why you're trying so hard to keep me alive, considering you've nearly tried killing me multiple times." You grumble out in anger.

"Maybe I've changed my mind." She replies with, and you look at her with narrowed eyes.

"Changed your mind. Are you fucking kidding me."

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