Chapter 2: Childhood love

Start from the beginning

"Not anymore, let's go!"

I don't think i can be mad at them any longer, who is going to pay for my pizza meal. Oops, i'm kidding but really it's hard being mad at them when mot of my days plan is with them.



"So today's your date with Daryl right? Bring along your pepper spray in case he rapes you!"

"Finn, why are you so up tight! I'm not even piss or afraid anymore, even if Daryl might sound like a big player who knows he might be a romantic dude right? Jack, please get your brother off my back."

"No can do Anna, I agree with Finn. Bring along a pepper spray!"

"Argh, can you both not make me do this. Do you want me to talk about how April should k-"

"Ah jack she doesn't need pepper spray, she know karate!"

"I don't know karate Finn, you're just avoiding the fact that April is a s-"

"Slut!" Jack shouted completing my sentence for me. "Exactly my thoughts jack! High-five!"

Before our hands met, Finn slap our hands and walked away. Rude twin is rude.

"Baby Finny is pissy." I grin, "Oh, it rhymes!"

"Do you want both of us to follow you behind?"

"No! Remember when we were 16, you both followed me and the guy thought that you both were crazy! You guys are so bad at hiding away from people, fyi that guy was hell cute!"

"Hahaha! Oh he just want to get in your pants!"

"I was wearing a skirt but whatever. I'm not going to let you ruin my date tomorrow."

"Finally you admit that you're looking forward to the date!"

"Whatever, I'm leaving! See you on Sunday, tell you about how the date went alright! Nights!"

I was really looking forward to what Daryl planned for me, he seem so sweet and nice on the phone. Yes, we have been talking via text and call.

I called Janice over to help me for the date, she's one of my closer friends too. We shared our deepest darkest secret and guess what I'm going to do is match-make her with someone in particular. They both have feelings for each other but their ego are too big to admit it, sigh my dear friends.

"Now, i need to rush home to get changed! Jan is waiting for me, so bye Jinn!"

"Bye!" Am i the only one who find it weird and creepy because they are always in unison?


"I thought you like h-"

"What if his at the door!" I said covering her mouth, nobody should know my damn secret.

"Iwasgoingtosayhim,noth-" She mumbled in between my fingers which is impossible for human ears to understand but I know what she meant.

"There you go again, what did I say?"

"Sorry! Come on let's doll you up!"

"Keep it as simple as you can, it's just a dinner at a 5 star hotel."

"Just a dinner at a 5 star hotel. 5 star hotel? Come on, you know jocks don't just bring girls to a 5 star hotel for dinner only."

"You mean he wants to get in my pants?"

"No no, means he really loves you." I cringe at the L word, it's weird haha. I'm weird.

"Ew, it's just a date as a friend so quicken up your pace. I need some crips before I leave."

Munching on crisps, watching mean girls and waiting for Daryl to come by. What's the time.


"Did I just s-"

"Yes, shut up." Touchy. Janice always behaves like that when she's watching mean girls.

Oh, I remember quoting mean girls and talking to Caspar is hilarious! But I didn't mean it so hahaha mean girls all the way.

More crisps, more mean girls, more crisps, more mean girls. I'm falling asleep and dying of starvation. 30 minutes, more crisps please.

*ding dong*

Yes, finally.

"Hey D- Jack?! What are you doing here?"

"Picking up Janice?"

"You? You?" Pointing to Jack and back to Janice. "Have a date?"

"No!" Both said in unison, but hell it is a date to me.

"Date it is! Go on, have fun, please put on some protection and hm don't go to rough, cheeky Jack. Oh and also lock the door, I don't want to see a video were Finn walks in while you two have s-"

"Shut up Anna. Sigh, let's go Jack."

"Good bye love birds!"

Great, now I'm alone and starving. Crisps oh crisps you are my best friend. I love you till the world ends and never will I leave you alone. Crisp oh crisps, tell me the future and I will love you forever.

Shit, I'm getting weirder each moment fuck this fuck that fuck everything. Nah kidding.

*Ding Dong*

Finally. I adjust my black dress and fixed my slight wavy hair.

"Hey." We both greeted, I couldn't help but giggle. He looked great in tuxedo, never thought a person like him would wear tux.

"You look gorgeous, Anna."

"You look great yourself Daryl. You should wear blazers more, it looks nice on you." I mumbled, hoping he catch that.

"Haha, thank you. Come i'm pretty sure you're starving."

"Not really-" My stomach started to growl, nice.

Daryl put his arm around my waist and guide me to his car. His warm touch send shivers down my spine. None of the guys i dated bought me to a proper dinner, it's just same old stuff like go down to a carnival or hang out at a beach.

"So Daryl, why the sudden dinner with me?"

"You will find out soon then." I look at the corner of my eyes and he was slightly blushing. I, Anna, made the hottest jock blush. I can't help but giggle, it's just.. unbelievable you know.

"We are here."

Like before, he put his arms around my waist and guide me in the hotel. I've never been treated so well before, it's different this time. Gentlemen doing it right. The restaurant is so classy, and well i don't think i could afford standalone my own meal.

"Good evening Young Master, your table is right there."

Young Master? Woah, biggest plot twist. I guess he keeps this from everybody real well, or maybe is what the restaurant teach their staff to greet the customers that? Time to be a investigator.

Being the gentlemen, he pull out the seat for me and tuck it back. I would be happy if i was a rich kid, dreaming.

"Like what you see already? The chiefs are preparing our dinner, it would take around 5 to 10 minutes more. Can your stomach hold?" He grin.

"Of course, while we wait can i ask you a question or two?"

"I'm all ears."

"Are you uhm rich, like you know just now the dude called you 'Young Master'? And this dinner, why me?"

Author's Note

Hey hey hey, thanks for checking this story out :-)

Do you like long chapters? I love long chapters, in my own opinion. So how do you picture Anna as?

Comment and Vote please, do you like/love this chapter? Hope you like this chapter so far!

xo, stylesmeup

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