Part 1: A look into the Past

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word count: 3982

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Notes: THIS IS A PROJECT I'M WORKING ON! IT'S NOT IN 2ND PERSON (you did this, you didn that etc.) I don't usually write stories like this but here we are. I don't really know what else to say about this. Dedicated to a special someone ;) Part 2 will probably be out tomorrow, or today, seeing as it's 1.03am and I'm the best >:) I don't expect you to understand but if you read it and like it thank you!


"Mum?" Allison asked, sitting up at the kitchen table as the smeared a thick layer of jam on her toast, "D'You know anything about our past?" She asked, taking a bite. Her mother looked up, moving her glasses on top of her head, pulling her brown hair back with them,

"What?" She asked confused,

"Like, in the olden days," Allison elaborated as she chewed and swallowed, "Mr Moss asked us to submit a project including our personal history and I have no clue what to write," She huffed, her foot bouncing up and down. 

Picking history as a GCSE seemed fun at first- she had Moss in year eight and he happened to be an amazing teacher. It was mostly because of him that she chose the subject. They were starting to learn the subject but had so much time before they needed to start doing actual work, so this was more of an assessment to do over the half-term. Allison wasn't thrilled, desperately wanting to get back to learning about how America seriously fucked up with Vietnam, but this had to be done,

"Well, my parents were born in France," Her mother said, taking a sip of her coffee as she set her book down, "You could write about the aristocracy," Allison sighed,

"Yeah, but what's exciting about rich people getting their heads chopped off?"

"It was a tragic thing!" Her mother said. Allison rolled her eyes and chewed on her toast, "The people rose and decided to kill everyone who was better off and rich because they had nothing! If that isn't a commentary on today's society and an excellent example of foreshadowing, I don't know what is," She huffed, pushing her glasses back down and reading.  Allison sighed,

"No one is going to chop the queen's head off because they don't have food, mum," She said, finishing the toast and deciding her mother was useless. Allison didn't like the violent aspects of history, not fully understanding why human beings would ever be capable of hurting each other. So she tried the next best thing,

"Dad?" She asked, wandering into the living room and sitting on the sofa. He was playing Minecraft with her twin brother Adrien- they kept killing each other and then laughing about how their dogs would fight each other to the death, "Dad can I ask you something?" She repeated,

"Yes? What is it, sweetheart?" He asked, pausing the game. Adrien laughed maniacally to himself and out of the corner of her eye, Allison saw him running to a chest and getting obsidian out, 

"I wanted to ask about our history," She said, "Mr Moss asked us to write a project on our personal family history,"

"Well have you asked your mother? Her family's french-"

"Yes I know her family's French," She groaned, "But she was useless. I don't want to write about how people cut their heads off. That's disgusting," She said. Her father thought for a moment,

"Hmm... Do you think cutting heads off is useless? Compared to my family, who come from England?" Allison really considered it,

"Were they at least interesting?" She bit her lip,

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