Call Her

6K 62 5

word count: 1979

setting: season 3 episode 4

smut: none

proofread: none

edited: no

notes: reader is a nurse, mentions of injuries. You can probably tell I'm not a medical professional, i have no clue how anything in the medical field works or how haemorrhages are so i'm sorry for that inaccuracy (istg i have that word copied and pasted)
so due to the *virus* I don't have school, probably until September but no one really knows. So i have heeps of free time. I have about 2 other completed/almost finished stories I'm not proud of/hate and I'm not sure if i want to post em. Soooo give m requests! And lets hope inspiration strikes me


A relentless pounding got you up, goosebumps exploding on your skin as you threw your legs over the side of your bed and they hit the cold of the floor. You hissed and grabbed your nightgown, anxiously biting your lip as you slipped on the material and stumbled through the darkness of your home. You desperately hoped this was important because you felt rage beginning to bubble up inside you as you glanced at a clock face and read it was ten-thirty. You sighed and quickened your pace as you heard Ada's worried voice calling from the other side. You swung it open and she grabbed your arm,

"Help me, please," She said desperately, on the verge of tears, her visage painted in terror, "Thomas is... hurt. Badly," 

You were always close to the Shelby's, having grown up in Small Heath with them but never being able to attend school due to your family's financial status. You were best friends with Ada, the only girl in the family, and befriended the boys due to spending so much time with them. During the war, it was your idea for Ada and you to sign up to the nursing course at church. After two years, you were sent to France and treated to many boys who got hurt during the fighting. Coincidentally, some of them happened to be Shelby's. Twice, you found yourself digging German bullets out of John's arm, grinning and laughing as he cracked jokes with you, telling you how beautiful you looked with blood on your apron. You thought Martha was the perfect woman for him- kind, caring, and a similar sense of humour to him. You even gave him the letters she gave you: "In case you see him, or one of the boys". They were a beautiful couple, and you almost cried at how John's face lit up when you told him about and gave him the letters. He hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek, thanking him. Two weeks later, he was discharged and went back to fighting. The second time he came in, his brothers visited him more often, happy to see you. You found they'd distract you from your shifts, talking to you while you attended other patients. You were glad to have old friends here in the mud.

When you went home, the boys would often seek comfort in you, because you understood them more than any woman could. You experience what they did, but not to the same degree, but no one trusted you more than Thomas Shelby. He fell in love with you, because you really understood him, and you stopped the shovels from digging through his wall and the Huns killing him every single night. In the beginning, he hired you as a personal nurse for the Peaky Blinders, often accompanying the boys to events Tom knew would get violent and result in injuries, however with the modernisation of the company, you weren't needed anymore. Reluctantly, Thomas layed you off, but in return, promised to get you out of Birmingham. He noticed how happy you'd get whenever you would leave Small Heath. He brought you a home right next to Ada, so you could live out your childhood fantasies of living with your best friend. You thanked him profusely and promised to repay him one day. He took your hands in his, and shaking his head told you "You've done more for me than I could have ever asked for (Y/N)." This was his chance to say it. To tell you how he felt- that he loved you and wanted you to be with him forever. To kiss you hard, press you against the table and fuck you. But Grace Burgess walked into his life. 

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