
7.2K 77 3

setting: season 1/2

word count: 3052

Smut: there's a few neck kisses but no nudity/sex. Implied sex at the end & sex jokes

Proofread: yes

edited for mistakes: yes

extra: basically I wanted to write a tom x reader fic and I did- it's currently 10.30 pm and I am HELLA tired so a lot of this won't make sense but I did my best enjOY :)


"(Y/N), Tommy wants you in his office now," Polly said as she walked in, smoking a cigarette. The woman sighed, and with a roll of her eyes, she stood, straightened her papers and left her small desk to go to her bosses' office.

(Y/N)'s family were close friends with the Shelby clan. When she was young, her father died in the war and her mother killed herself, not being able to live without her husband by her side. Her adoptive mother was a Gypsy, and found her alone, taking her as her own since she was unable to have children. She grew to be beautiful, yet untouchable. The Peaky Blinders and Lees would roam her hometown occasionally to make sure they were safe, and she'd catch their wandering looks but never return them. When she grew up, she received a personal visit from Thomas Shelby inviting her to work for him which she accepted quickly. She was a smart woman and knew her numbers well, having gone to school whilst the men went to war, in hopes she could be of use to her parent's clan or the Shelby Clan,

"You called for me?" The girl questioned as she entered. Her heart quickened at the sight of him, as usual. She felt captivated by him. He looked so calm and angelic- smoking a cigarette by the window, his sleeves rolled up, revealing his toned arms folded. The sunlight shining on his face, thin clouds of smoke dancing around in the beams. His face turned to hers and she could faintly see his piercing blue eyes,

"I've heard you've been invited to a party," he raised his brows, revealing he had been holding a small letter with the wax seal torn. Part of the letters slid out, revealing neat cursive handwriting inside. She bit her lip and looked away, "I didn't think you were that fancy," he smirked at the teasing comment, "first-class too, ey?"

"Because it's none of your business," She scoffed and rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushing as she ignored the smirk on his lips, "I could have had something private in there," she sent him a soft glare, snatching the envelope from the desk roughly, scrunching up the paper,

"Just routine checks- makin' sure you're not a spy," He cleared his throat, "you're welcome to leave early today if you like. To get ready f-"

"Oh, I'm not going,"

A few things shocked Thomas Shelby nowadays. Usually, the gangster was able to calculate his enemies' moves and know how to respond to get the reactions he wanted from coppers or business partners. He found his lips opening to form an 'o' shape, and he blinked slowly. First at the girl, then the letter in her hands. He made note that she didn't meet his eyes, 

"Right..." He asked. Thomas felt nervous and confused. Or else why would his heart be beating so hard and so fast? "May I ask why?" His question shocked even himself as it fell from his lips, and he found himself putting out the cigarette.

"Well... It's really none of your business," she repeated. Even though she wasn't looking, she felt his eyes on her, watching expectantly, "but if you must know..." She exhaled and took a brief look at his ceiling, hoping God would somehow save her from confessing her secrets to this devilish man, "it's an invitation from my brother. W-We're technically not related- he was from the orphanage I lived in for a few years. He has these first-class parties occasionally, just to show off how rich he is, how far he's come since having nothing" she rolled her eyes, "I guess since he heard I've finally got a job he's decided I'm qualified enough," she laughed.

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