Stuck With You (Part 1)

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word count: 1820

setting: season 4 episode 5- beginning

smut: none

edited: none

Proofread: no

notes: angsty! I am planning to write up more chapters- i just want to see if people like this first ;) I have a plan/ direction I want this to go in but if you hav any specific wants tell me! Enjoy :)


There are moments in life you love and long for them to last forever. This was definitely not one of them.

When your husband returned from the war, he clearly wasn't the same man he was before. He was terrorised by nightmares and hallucinations of events that happened during the war. You did your best to help him, calming his fears and assuring him of reality. But it was all taking a toll on both of you and he would often mistake you for an enemy, attacking you. You pretended his abuse wasn't intentional, and he was just broken in the head and you could fix him... 

You often visited his grave and planted fresh flowers or lit candles. He didn't deserve to be so tormented, and you hoped he found peace in heaven. You remembered the day he died. You got the news you were pregnant and were happily going to tell him. Instead, you found he had blown his brains all over your wallpaper and stained your carpet. For a long time, you felt numb with grief, unable to properly function. And for a while, you think you understood him. It was your daughter that made you realise how passionately you needed to feel again, and you couldn't be more thankful.

She was your light and joy and made you smile even in your worst moments when you felt you couldn't continue on your own. Her toothy smile would remind you of the innocence that life still held.  You named her Marie, after your late mother, and were searching for a job. You were lucky your husband left you a large sum of money.

Rent was getting too expensive in London, so you had to move elsewhere. You found yourself in Birmingham, holding your little girl's hand and looking around. You weren't fond of the smell but it would do. The home you were renting looked promising, and it didn't take long before you got used to it. Slowly, you began socialising again, and life was looking up for you. From your friends, you found out about a gang that ruled the streets of Birmingham called the Peaky Blinders. And apparently, they were feuding with Italians. One day, you'd picked up your daughter from school and were walking home, smiling,

"I read a book today!" Marie told you happily, holding onto your hand. She was five now. You couldn't believe it. She grew up so fast,

"Really?" You asked, and watched her head bob up and down, "Did you like it?" She hummed happily in response, and you glanced up. A man was walking at you, quite quickly. You attempted to steer your daughter out of the way but he came right for you. He grabbed your arm, 

"Oi," He said gruffly, his eyes glancing around in a panicked state, "You shouldn't be out 'ere. Get to your home and stay inside," He said. He wasn't looking at you, but you studied him. He had pale blue eyes and defined cheekbones. The cap on his head would occasionally glisten in the light, which you found out were razor blades. His suit was fresh and finely pressed and he smelled strongly of smoke,

"What?" Your accent made him do a double-take and he looked you up and down,

"You from here?"

"No, London,"

"Course," He scoffed, "Just go to your home and stay inside. Lock your doors and windows and don't open them,"

"Mama??" Marie piped up, tugging on your hand, "Mama, can we go?" Her soft voice made both of you look at her. He let you go, and begun walking off, 

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