It's Ok, I'm Right Here (Prompt)

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word count 1723

prompt: it's ok i'm right here

setting: end of season 2

Smut: implied at the very end

Proof read: yes

edited for mistaked: yes

notes: Panic attack! Comfort, fluff, angst. Just wanted a cute comforting fanfic :) Enjoy!


"Fucking asshole," (Y/N) mumbled to herself as she walked home, mud sprayed all over her once blue dress. She was walking back from Epsom Court races, where the Peaky Blinders had taken over for Sabini. Because of her love of horses (and Thomas Shelby), she had agreed to train his horse for the race.

Shame. The mare didn't even win.

And Thomas was no were to be seen. He had promised her that after all this shit went down, he would take her to celebrate down at the Garrison. Like a fool, she believed him. For a good hour, she waited, until the Coppers left there asked her to leave. She purposefully stepped through puddles, angry at everything. Her dress covered in shit and mud and rainwater- she didn't care anymore, and she had thrown her umbrella out a good few streets ago, letting it be taken by the wind. (Y/N) let all the anger out through skipping and prancing down the streets- she shouldn't waste time on boys who aren't worthwhile, and who clearly don't care.

She was soaking wet and a madwoman, still dancing through the rainy night in the streets of Small Heath, happy as can be, the anger fading with each step.

It only resurfaced when she made it to the Garrison, hearing all the laughter and cheering indoors. There was a strong chance he'd be there...

(Y/N) turned and made her way down to her apartment. She would not let her anger take hold of her. She could already see herself running in, throwing his drink at him and running out. She let the thought be just a thought, deciding to not waste her energy on him, and let herself in. It wasn't a terrible house. Granted it was nothing compared to the lovely and polished houses in London that she was used to, but she had still turned it into a home filled with plants at every window sill, and as much warmth and colour as she could. She decided to take a nice long bath, washing all the mud, rain and anger out of her skin and letting it drip off her naked body. She smiled in her own reflection, glowing with radiance and grace, before putting on a silk nightgown. She walked through her home, stopping at her gramophone. Delicately, she placed the vinyl down and watched it spin.

Happily, she began swaying and dancing around. She hated the fancy places Thomas would take her to sometimes, dancing until they couldn't breathe anymore. When they'd pretend to court, and then the nights they'd spend after, alone together. Drinking, talking... The nights in bed...

Ugh! No boys tonight! She had to stop thinking about him! Clearly he didn't care for her, so why should she waste time on him? No one was going to ruin her night, not even Birmingham's most infamous gangster Thomas Shelby.

Or so she thought.

She was just watering the plants when she heard the crescendo of thundering steps ascending her stairs and frantic thumping at her door. She fearfully grabbed a kitchen knife and made her way to the door.

Here was Birmingham's most infamous gangster Thomas Shelby, with a dazed and scared look on his dirty, tear-stained face.

There went her plans of not letting anyone ruin her night.

"Are you gonna let me in? Or am I supposed to wait out here?" he asked, his heavy breaths making his voice sound airy and quiet. (Y/N) quickly moved out of the way and watched him enter.

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