I Don't Love Her, I Love You

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word count: 3178

setting: season 5

prompt: from @LLaylaaaaa "I had an idea where the oc is Tommy's wife and stepmom to Charlie and ruby ,you can choose whether they have their own kids but Lizzie and Tommy's wife don't get (along)"

notes: wow well I wrote soOOO much for this hah! I didn't initially expect to write so much but here we are! Longest fic yet. I like it, I hope you do too. I decided to just let my mind go wherever it took me so the first part is kinda slow- wanted to give this some backstory ;) 

ratings: sort of angsty? Not between reader and Tommy, between reader and Lizzie, fluffy bits throughout, fluffy/cliffhanger ending ;)

proofread: no

edited: no- its 11.11 pm nott today hA

smut: not really? There's mentions of nakedness & implications of sexual activities but nothing NSFW

extra: GUN is used, if you're sensitive, watch out. Kinda strong language?? Be warned. I think that's it.


At this point, it was safe to say Thomas Shelby was exhausted. He hadn't been the same since the death of the love of his life, Grace, a good five years ago, and the hallucinations he'd have of her were becoming more and more frequent. Sure, he tried to fill the empty void in his heart with Lizzie Stark, but she wasn't a wife to him- more like his personal whore. She knew this is how he saw her, and she'd have to be fine with it. After all, she has been used for her entire life. It made sense the only purpose she served her husband was a pleasure and a nanny for his kids.

However, this changed when he met (Y/N). He thought he'd never be able to love anyone like he loved Grace, but she proved him wrong.  

He remembered it so well- it often brought a smile to his face. To make him feel better, Arthur had taken him to an auction, and you caught his eye, along with a beautiful white mare in the ring. The two of them went back and forth with their bets on it before she shook your head, not being able to offer any more for the horse.  The sad look that spread over her face was still there when he went to closer examine the horse, (Y/N) standing on the other side, stroking her neck.

"She isn't a racing horse you know," she said to him softly, moving a little so she could look at him over the horses back, "I heard you had a betting shop, Mr. Shelby. You shouldn't bet so much on a horse that can't race," she said. Her smile was infectious as he found his lips curling upwards, before placing a cigarette between them,

"How unfortunate. I was convinced she'd be a fine racer..." he commented, putting his hands in his coat pockets

"No no, she's a show horse. The way she galloped in the ring was different from that Stallion over there-" she pointed across the room to a beautiful black horse, much larger than the mare "- he gallops with more power in his steps. She trotted around like a princess," he'd never forgotten the adoration at which you looked at the horse he had taken from her. It made his heart hurt, which made him confused. Before Arthur called him over, he looked back at her,

"Would you like to work for me then?" He blurted out. She looked at him in confusion, so he elaborated, "I've never trained show horses, nor do I have anyone who's able to. You sound experienced,"

"My parents raised me with show horses," she explained, a small smile on her lips at the thought of finally having a job, "Are you sure though, Mr. Shelby? I'm certain you could find someone better..."

"Why should I go looking if I've already found someone?" he asked, finishing the cigarette and stamping it out under his feet. (Y/N) nodded soon, and the two shook hands.

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