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kenzies pov

"he sent you that?" Johnny yelled as he opened my apartment door, finding me crying on the couch and holding the paper that changed everything.

after i received the letter, i called johnny. he was the only person i could tell. i wasn't expecting him to come over. he was still recovering from his fever, but was better. "johnny. no. you should be in bed." i got off the couch and whipped my tears away. "no! i want to find the bastard that's hurting my kenzie!"

he pulled me close and wrapped me in a warm hug. at this point, i was letting everything out.
i pull away and touch his head. "are- are you ok? do i need to make some soup?" johnny pulled my hand away from him and held it. "i'm fine, kenz. we need to figure this out.

i lead us to the couch and looked down at the letter. "he's right. he has the ability to do all this." i pause and catch my breathe. "i don't know why i'm surprised. i knew he would find me." "kenzie. as long as your with me, i'm not letting you out of my sight. im going to do everything to keep you safe."

i shake nod and wipe away the tears for the last time. "thank you. now let's get you to bed." i stood him up and walked us to my room, where i had gone insane and trashed it. papers thrown, cups knocked off the tables, and my bed messed up. "oh, kenz." "s-sorry." i quickly walked in and begun cleaning everything.

"it's fine." i turn around as he walked into the room, plopping on the bed with a sigh. "this fees nice." a giggle slipped past my lips but i continued cleaning.

"we have a party to be at Friday night. i already bought you a dress and hired people to come do your hair and makeup." i shook my head and bent over to pick scraps of the envelope up "stop hiring these people for me! i can do all that on my own! i don't need your fancy luxury johnny!" i felt a sting on my ass and i got pulled up by my hair being pulled.

when i opened my eyes, i was close to Johnny's. his eyes showed a sign of anger, but also lust, as always. "i hire those people to keep you out of having to do it yourself. i bought you the dress so we can match. you're going to show up to that party looking hot as hell and i don't want any complaints. got it?" my eyes widen and i nod quickly "yes sir.

"god kenz. you really gotta listen." i giggle again and smile, cashing his eyebrows to raise. "oh? you think it's funny?" i stopped laughing as johnny lifted me onto the bed and hovered over me. his hands came to my waist and started tickling me. "no! it's not funny!" i kept letting out the ugliest laughs, but johnny seemed to admire them.

when he got done i went to get off the bed when he stopped me. "i have to clean," he shook his hand and laid on top of me. "no. stay and cuddle with me." i sigh, but soon gave in.

"fine. you're cleaning in the morning."

when i had woke up, i spelt different smells all around me. it went from johnnys sent on my pillows, to cleaning supplies, to pancakes. i rose up and yawned, loving the sleep i had. when i tel you i let out the loudest gasp, i did. the room looked like i had just moved in.

my mirror was cleaned off, the floors we're swept, my nightstands were whipped down. i turn my smell to the the kitchen where i heard, i'm guessing, bacon sizzling. i slowly glide myself out of the bed and into the kitchen. as i turned the kitchen, i admired the man in front of me.

johnny didn't have a shirt on. no, that's not why i was drooling over him. he was making breakfast. he had a pan with pancakes and a pan with bacon in it. he was slowly swaying to the quite music that played on my speaker. i walk behind him and wrap my arms around him, feeling his way body heating up mine.

"good morning beautiful." he turned around to kiss me but i dodged it. "i haven't brushed my teeth silly" i wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. "remember what i said? i would kiss you if you had puke on you." he leaned down and slammed his lips against mine. i kiss him once before pulling away.

"you hungry?" i nod and lick my lips at the golden pancakes in front of me. he made me a plate and handed it to me. "your seat is right there." he pointed behind me and i turned around. at one of the seats at the table, there was a rose in a vase and a coffee sitting there. i turn around and smile. "thank you, johnny."

he walked over and sat next to me. "did you clean this morning?" he nodded and smiled. "i think my fever broke. so now i have a random burst of energy to do, anything really." i take a bite at the food and moan. "thank you." he chuckled and dug into his food as well. "just following what i was told, ma'am."

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