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i stood in my living room waiting for johnny. i had on my navy blue dress and my back heals. i felt hot again. johnny texted me earlier and had told me to dress home, for we were going to dinner.

i smile as i heard a knock on the door. i open and johnny appeared with a black suit on. it was my turn to check him out. the way his muscles bulged against his suit jacket, it was all hot. i met his eyes to see him checking me out as well. "why don't you look very beautiful tonight"  i shake my head and walk closer to him.

"you look hot" i take his lips with mine into a passionate kiss. his hands gripped my waist and mine were around him neck, gripping the back. i pull back and narrow my eyebrows. johnny smiled and began chomping on the gum i had in my mouth before.

i scrunch my nose and hold out my hand. "ew. nasty. spit it out." he put the gum in my hand and laughed. "it was sexy,admit it" i walk back into my kitchen and throw it away, washing my hands also. "yeah, but we can't have you sick with mono. that means i can't kiss you." i walk back to him and pout.

"i would kiss you if you had puke on your shirt." i shook my head and we walked out. i lock the door and we head to the elevator. we both step in and i clung to his side like a 5 year old.

this man was mine. mine. he wasn't dating me for public anymore. it took us only a few days before we started in a real relationship. i cared about him, like he did to me. that tantrum i had this morning? probably a sign that my period is coming soon.

dammit. no sex.

i laugh at myself and hug johnnys arm.

"how was your dinner?" i look over at him and smiled. "wonderful. thank you." the only light filling the car was the street lamps above us. i take off my heals and put my feet out the window. it was hot tonight, so we had the windows down and music blasting.

this is what i mean by relax. having a wonderful night after a wonderful day out. we were heading back to his house to watch a movie after dinner. we had went to this amazing restaurant that had live classical music playing. i giggle as johnny laughed at my actions. i put my feet back in the car as we pulled into his car as we pulled into Johnny's driveway.

i get out of the car as he parks it, and grab my heals. i stood waiting for johnny to walk over and open the door. he walked over to me and smiled. "you look so fucking pretty when your hair is messed up." he fixed my hair and i blushed. he led us inside, and we immediately get snacks from the pantry. we walk upstairs and get rid of our outfits. we both get into bed and click on a movie, eating food.

as the end of the sad movie came on, i was sobbing my eyes out. i was a sucker for sad endings. i sit up and take a deep breathe, johnny's hand rubbing my back and laughing at me for the 100th time tonight. i look down to see him perfectly fine. i cleaned myself up and took this as a moment to ask him, "can i tell you about my nightmare?"

he nodded and sat up. "i have a brother, harry. he's the dream boy every girl wants. he was a football player and a star student. but he wasn't that perfect at home. it started when i was around 13. he had came into my room, saying things like 'you're so hot. too hot to be my sister.' then, he just made me make out with him, and made me suck him off. i didnt really know what was happening at that time. i was young.

when i turned 15, he took my virginity"

"hey, sis." he came into my room with a smile. i turned around in my desk chair and watched as we shut and lock the door. "hello, harry." "what are you, uh, working on?" "my science project. which is due tomorrow, so not tonight. please."
i turned back in my chair and picked up my pencil again. "you're gonna do what i say, and you know it." my eyes started to water and i shake my head.

"here we go again. kenzie the little baby crying. suck it up whore!" he dragged me out of my hair and into the floor, where we slapped me. "do you understand?" i nod, but sobbed. he picked me up and laid me on the bed. "please, no! i want to loose my virginity with someone i actually love!" he pulled down my pants and his. "does it look like i care what you want?"

he immediately pushed into me, and i let out a loud sob. "it hurts, stop!" he laughed and immediately started pounding into me.

"he took a video of it, too. and it got out to the whole football team. harry ended up making me sleep with all of them, as well. it was disgusting that i enjoyed it. all the different kinks they had. you probably think i'm disgusting, don't you?"

johnny pulled me into a hug and i let out a deep sob. "kenzie? what the fuck? no! of course not!" i pulled away and sighed. "can you tell me your story, then?" "would it make you feel better?" i nod and he nodded as well. "when i was 18, i had a huge birthday party. no parents around. i invited the whole town, actually. i met this girl. she had been the hottest girl i saw that night. when i talked to her, she had told me she wanted to wait till marriage to lose her virginity.

i got her drunk, really drunk, i don't think it was healthy, but when her friends weren't looking me and her slipped upstairs. i fucked. her. hard. without her consent. now you probably think i'm disgusting." my eyes widen and i shake my head. i lean over and hug him, cuddling him too. " you were dumb and horny. what you ddi wasn't right, but it's obvious you don't do that anymore. you even said you didn't want to sleep with me if i was drunk. i don't see you any different."

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