"Anyways, um," Yoongi snaps them both out of the depressing mood they wandered upon, "I came here to tell you that daycare starts today. I suppose no one told you about that yet."

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows: "You have kindergarten here? In Namg-il?"

The older bursts into laughter, something he tends to do a lot, clutching his stomach as he giggles at the confused boy.

"Well, of course we have kindergarten! What did you think?"

"I-I don't know. I imagined this was a ..." he trails off, not really knowing what to say and he blushes as the older scoffs and laughs again.

"This is civilization, Taehyung. Namg-il is a small town where couples and old people can live in peace - it doesn't mean we don't have children. We have plenty, actually."

"Well, I'm sorry if I offended you somehow," he mumbles childishly, wanting the other to stop cackling like a goddamn hyena already, "So what am I supposed to do? Where should I take them?"

Mission accomplished (though not really) - Min Yoongi stops his antics, erasing them with a serious expression as he waves his hands in the air.

"I actually work there so I can take them. Just get them ready, ya know - in some warm clothes, maybe an apple in the backpack-"

"I can figure that one out, hyung, I'm not a complete loser," Taehyung sighs in annoyance, turning to the children's bedroom and only hearing another series of snickers behind him.


Once the kids are dressed in warm lined jackets and sneakers, Yoongi loads them all into his car (the oldest ugliest thing Taehyung has ever seen but Yoongi lovingly calls it 'baby bug' so he bites his tongue) and offers to drop Taehyung off in town.

Curious as ever, Taehyung agrees swiftly and after Yoongi confirms that he can, indeed, come back home by foot in under an hour, the younger is happy for the opportunity to finally get out of the house.

During the whole ride, the boy stares out the car window and watches as countless houses that look exactly like his own pass by, endless fields of nothingness and then even more grass before they've arrived at the town's mouth, crowded with people all shapes and sizes.

The buildings there are not high and not exactly luxury, all of them brown in color and tiny, with small opened windows, doors agape as if welcoming the smell of home-made bread and blossoming cherries inside.

To a city boy with big-city dreams, it all seems thoughtless - how can people be so careless to leave the houses unlocked if anyone could just stride inside and demolish their homes?

But Yoongi drives right pass them all so Taehyung keeps quiet.

"Yoongi," Naya chirps shyly, looking up from under her long lashes, "is Tae coming with us t-to daycare?"

The small pale male looks in his rear mirror.

"Of course not, baby. Would you like him to?"

The girl deadass shakes her head 'no' and gives Taehyung a vile look, probably hating him for interrupting her alone time with 'Yoongi-oppa' to which he responds with sticking his tongue out. The girl falls silent after that, covering her shocked eyes with sweater paws.

Feeling accomplished, the male turns his attention back to the people outside the moving car, all eager in coming somewhere or selling something to the ones that pass by.

Taehyung's stomach rumbles upon seeing the variety of fresh blood-red apples, steaming cups of tea and ripe rice-cakes. He'd do anything for food right now.

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