The sweetest start

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Do you remember how it began
Such a sweet, innocent time
The talking period
Where that's all we did
Chat until the star dust fell into our eyes
Chat when the sun poured into our rooms
" Good Morning, how did you sleep (: "
" Good Night and Sweet dreams (: "
It was easy then
I could get used to that life
Do I want to get used to that life
Is it for me
Should I stay closed off
Keeping my towers touching the heavens
Or crumble at your feet
Some may have said I was falling
Deep into love or,
Falling out of my lone wolf habits

Then the courting period
Never did I think I'd be courted
Worth it even
Thank you for the gifts of your affection
Fun fact I never cared for the color Pink
I prefer blacks, blues, mints, greens
Now, the color pink is everywhere
The sky, my clothes, in you, these roses
Thanks again for learning my favorite coffee
You even learned my favorite princess
Who does that anymore
Walking me to my car after my shift
How strange, this has never happened before
But it's beginning to feel normal
All of this
Making my heart skip a beat or two
I never expressed it then
But I loved it
Was really nice to felt cared for
Really truly nice
Thanks again for making my mother and father
Interrogate me on who you are and,
Your intentions with their stone cold daughter

Left for vacation after just meeting and talking
Suddenly I craved that life
That attention, those feelings
How strange humans become when they have a taste
So I had to settle on memories and curiosity
Curious to know what you're doing
Slowly, my mind was consumed by you
What're you doing
I am here watching the ocean touch the sky
Still thinking about you
I am still here watching the Sun go to the ocean for a swim
Rereading old texts to carry those feelings
I haven't left
Watching the ocean play with the stars
Maybe you are doing the same
Without the ocean and the stars
But maybe you are rereading the beginning
Are you reliving it too
Are you
Did you keep your promise
To write to me, so I can read them when I return
I won't know until I'm home
Praying you kept your promise
But for now I will watch the stars as they are watching
My soul entangled in yours
My eyes wrapped around around your words
My life dance around you

Mom asked me if I missed you
How dare she ask me, assume I do
I most certainly don't miss you
I refuse to, I can take care of me
Me, myself, and I
Who took care of me after my accident
Who battled the thoughts inside my head
Who pushed me to do and be better
So mother the answer is I do not
He is a stranger that I barely know
Well, yeah I'm rereading our texts I'm bored
Um, it's a necklace, who cares who its from
Stop making me feel weird
Mom caught me texting you when I had WiFi
Thank God for that tropical island WiFi
But mom peeked and saw your name

" I'm just bored and need to social with others "

But the messages were more like

" What're you doing, can't wait to see you "

Suddenly I couldn't stop myself from realizing
Realizing I wanted you
Craved you
Missed you
Yet, you felt the same but way more
You knew what you wanted from the start
I didn't
Of course the time on the island started to diminish
Nails in my feet is what it felt like saying Goodbye

" If I get WiFi, I'll text you, Gotta go "

This sucks

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