Missed Me?

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**NOTE THAT Bruce Wayne has gone to the raid as Bruce Wayne- so he'd be able to embrace his wife sooner ( because if Batman was kissing Isla wayne that'd really blow his cover) - and the Justice league are gonna make up some excuse to let him be there. All the Batboys have gone as their vigilante alter ego- they can quickly change in their van.**

After ten minutes of conferring with the Justice League, the Batfamily decided to split up. Bruce and Kent,  Barbara and Flash were going to bust into the Old West Winery, while the Batboys were with Arthur and Diana and Cyborg.  Three police squads were with each team for backup, and Young Justice was a phone call away.

But Bruce had one issue. 


He refused to stay in the house alone. He insisted on coming, saying that he'd stay 'out of the way' and 'not bother anyone'. He was refusing  orders- that man!

"I just want to see Miss Wayne." and with his puppy-dog eyes (who knew that man could put on the biggest puppy-dog eyes ever?), Bruce had to agree. 

"Alright, Alfred, but you gotta wear this. And this. And this." Bruce handed him a bulletproof vest, a bike helmet, and a pair of chainmail gloves. Alfred just gave him a questioning look, but agreed. A lot of blood was going to be spilled, and he didn't want Alfred's blood to be a part of that.

 But the bike helmet was kinda overkill.

Dick, Tim, Jason and Damian were at Yao's Winery, just twelve miles east of the Old West Winery- so it'd take them at least seven minutes to get to the other place if Isla Wayne was not where they were.   "Two minutes out." Dick said into the comms. Everyone was wired up to everyone else's comms, so if anything happened, everybody would know. 

"We're 30 seconds out." Bruce replied as his team pulled up in a van to the forest next to the warehouse. "Entering Gotham woods from northeast- right, now." 

The van's door quietly slid open, and they hopped out, their combat boots crunching against the foliage of the forest. Bruce lent out a hand to help Alfred down, but Alfred waved it away and expertly jumped out of the van, a gun in his hands.

"WHOA, whoa, whoa! Who gave you that?!" Bruce said with a start, pointing at the rifle in Alfred's hands.

"I did." Flash smiled, holding up another gun. "It's an AK47. I got it from Barbara."

"I don't keep count of my guns- don't blame me!" she quickly said into the comms.

"Give him something else. Please."

Flash leaned over into the back compartment and pulled out a huge bazooka.

"What the- NO!" Bruce said as Alfred cheerily made his way to the bazooka. 

"Master Bruce, I know very well how to operate a bazooka. I was in the military, and some things just stick. I will be fine."

"Not a bazooka- go back to the rifle."

"Fine by me." He said, slinging the gun over his shoulder. "Has Beta team arrived yet?"

"Beta team in position." said Dick through the comms again. "Are you guys good?"

"Almost there." Bruce said as his team started stealthily making their way through the forest towards the old winery. Soon, the abandoned building was in their sights, and with a wave of someone's hands, they split up and got into position around the winery's perimeter. 

"In position now." Superman said. 

"Yo, Supes- can you hear anything with your super hearing?" Cyborg muttered. "At this winery we are getting a few significant heat signatures. Update us on yours."

COLD CASE- A BATMAN X OC FANFICTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon