The First Vision

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//Dick stared at the edge of the Lazarus Pit, watching the bubbles rise to the swirling surface of the pool,  very much aware of the shadowed onlooker he had.

"What troubles have dragged you here, little bird?" hissed Ra, the ruler of the Pit.

"I have come to make a deal. Give me back my mother, and I will let you live." Dick couldn't believe what he was saying, but before he knew it, his gun barrel was pressed into Ra's throat. What had gotten into him?

"GIVE HER BACK TO ME!" Dick screamed in his face. But instead of refusing like Ra typically would, Ra just laughed.

"Little bird, how can I give a dead person life if she was never dead in the first place?" Ra laughed, and before Dick knew it the ground started to swirl under his feet and it cracked open, revealing red-hot molten earth that he plummeted towards.//

Dick woke up panting, unable to process the dream he just had.

But the dream wasn't a dream. Because the night after that and the night after that, he kept hearing the same sentence whenever he shut his eyes.

"Little bird, how can I give a dead person life if she was never dead in the first place?"


Damian had seen the visions too. So when Dick came stumbling out of his room on the seventh night with a look of terror and confusion on his face, he knew that his eldest brother was seeing the same things that he was. "Grayson." he gestured for Dick to follow him around the corner for more privacy. 

"Yes, Baby Bat?"

"You're seeing it too, aren't you?"

"Seeing what?"

"The Pit. My Grand- um, Ra. And you press a sword to his neck and demand to give us 'Umi back. And then he says-"

"Little bird, how can I give a dead person life if she was never dead in the first place? Dami- you're having these dreams too? So I'm not crazy!" he rejoiced.

"Shh, keep it down, you oaf!"

"But in my dreams, I press a gun to his neck," Dick mused absentmindedly.

"Gun?" Jason popped into the scene as if appearing from thin air. "What about guns?"

Damian gave Dick a look. Don't tell him about the dreams.

Dick went ahead and told Jason anyways. Damian mentally facepalmed. "Whoa, so Tim isn't crazy!" Jason muttered, ignoring the glares of the youngest Wayne.

"What?! Tim too?!" Dick nearly yelled, but was stopped by Damian's hand clamped against his mouth. "Sorry-" Dick whispered.

"Yeah, I talked to him after he came out of his room looking very spooked. He told me he saw the same thing for four days straight, and I just called him crazy. Guess that all three of you guys are going insane. Hum, what a coincidence."

"So why isn't Todd seeing these things too? It makes sense that he's inadequate to receive messages from the Fates themselves but-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, stop right there, demon spawn. Messages from the Fates? Are you sure that's not just your severe schizophrenia acting up?"

"Maybe your dementia has caused you to forget the time that I rammed an umbrella into your nose and I'm willing to do it again-"

"GUYS!" Dick stepped in between them. "Fighting won't get us to understand what the heck is going on with all of us!"

Tim turned the corner and walked up to the three boys, chewing on a piece of toast. "So I'm not crazy..."

"I mean, either we're all okay and Jason's not or Jason's the only one that's sane. And the latter is impossible." Damian replied. 

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