How Could He Forget?

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Jason screamed at the top of his lungs, berating Damian for being Damian, and the brawl that ensued didn't go unnoticed by Bruce. But he was too defeated to really do anything about it. Bruce just called Alfred to break them apart, before he went to his leather chair and tried to dissolve into it.

His mood had been off for the past few weeks, and not even he knew how to raise up his spirits again. Bruce stared at the grandfather's clock and watched the pendulum swing back and forth, sipping absentmindedly at a cup of tea. Alfred soon returned to the living room, where Bruce was still sitting, staring at the clock.

"Waiting for something to happen, Master Bruce?" 

Bruce jolted out of his daze. "Are the boys okay?"

"Yes. I've sent them all to sleep."

"You know, Alfred, when she was around,the boys never fought. Never." Bruce said, tracing circles on his hand as he set the teacup aside. His lips perked up in a hint of a smile as he stared at the clock once again. 

Alfred was taken aback. Usually, Bruce refused to talk about her. But Alfred quickly got over his shock and sat down next to him.

Bruce spoke again. "Today. Today was her favorite day. She'd always get so excited and bubbly and would go crazy with the desserts and decorations."

"That is true, Master Bruce. She really enjoyed her anniversaries with you. Today would be your 12th anniversary with her."

"If only she was here." Bruce immediately broke the soft mood. "She hasn't been able to come to her own anniversary party for 4 years." His voice went down, lips frowning as he stared down at his hands. "I haven't been able to bring her home for four years."

"Master Bruce, there is no possible way she's still out there. She's moved on from this world, and she's watching over us right now."

"I know, I know. But if I had tried harder, she'd have come home."

"Master Bruce, do not give yourself the blame-"

"If I had tried harder, she'd have come home. And nowadays, I don't try at all."


" There's this big part of me that's telling me to move on from her. That she's dead. That I'll never get her back. But then there's this tiny part of me, that whispers in my head all day, that scolds me for not looking, that constantly puts an image of her in my mind. That tells me I never told her how much I loved her. That little part of me won't ever shut up. All it does is tell me she's out there somewhere, that all's not lost-"

"Hope." Alfred interrupted Bruce's ramble. "You still hope for her to be alive. But, you cannot change the wills of fate, Master Bruce. What was happened has happened. What will be, that is the only  thing you can subtly change. But even if you go off on some wildtangent,  fate will always bring you one step closer to joining her in the afterworld."

Bruce abruptly got up. "That's not the problem, Alf. The problem is, I can't get this little voice in my head to shut up. I-I can't let go of her. No matter how hard I try."

"How about you let her go for the sake of Miss Kyle?"

Bruce stared blankly at the wall. "I appreciate all she's done for me. For the boys. But if I let her go and turn to Selina, I'd be replacing her. And she wouldn't have wanted that."

"I'm pretty sure she wanted you to be happy." Alfred gave Bruce a soft smile as he collected his empty teacup. "That is all your lady ever wanted for you."

"I can't be happy without her." Bruce stated briefly, before swiftly leaving the room and heading down to the Batcave. Alfred just stared on after him, eyes full of sympathy.

COLD CASE- A BATMAN X OC FANFICHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin