The lessons had gone pretty smoothly that day considering the chaotic start to the morning, Peter, Sirius, James and Ivy were all hungover and were particularly quiet today while Lily and Silver joked about them throughout the day.

"I'm going to the Slytherin common room after detention to see Severus." Silver informed the boy as she returned down the stairs, instead of her black school robes she now wore black leggings and one if Sirius' hoodies that she had stolen previously. The boy grinned upon seeing her in his jumper, "Ok but be careful. You know what happened when you were last with him, Bellatrix and the other Slytherins. Silver nodded and helped her boyfriend up as they retrieved the rest of the Marauders excluding Remus and made their way down to their detention.

Professor Mcgonagall had them writing lines out for hours, I will not be late for Transfiguration again. Silver had finished first as she knew a doubling charm that allowed to to copy her lines having only written a few of them out herself. Sirius, Ivy and Lily had caught onto her idea and copied while Peter and James looked up at them bewildered at how quickly they were able to write the lines out.

After James and Peter had finally finished their lines the group made their way outside and sat under the large beech tree by the black lake. Silver was sat with her back leant against the large tree intently reading a book while Sirius lay across her lap admiring her face as she read. Lily was trying to help James with his potions homework while he threw up and caught a snitch repetitively in attempts to impress the red head. Peter watched James with full interest mesmerized by the golden orb. Ivy had managed to get Tillie out of bed and was now plaiting her hair and Tillie looked out into the Black Lake. Much to the Marauders dismay Remus had still refused to talk to them or even be in the dorm room at the same time they were, he would purposely go to sleep later and wake up earlier in order to prevent confrontation with them.

"Hey Sirius, look who's on their way." James piped up upon seeing a greasy haired boy making his way towards the group. Sirius looked from Silver to her twin, "Leave it out James, come on don't piss him off now." Sirius smiled as he saw the impressed look on Silver's face. James however was clearly in a very michevious mood and had already stood with his wand firmly in his hand. "What do you want Snape?" He spat at the dark haired boy. Severus glared back at him, " I've come to speak to Silver, not that you need to know Potter." He turned his gaze to Lily and smiled, "Hi Lily, how are you?" The redhead smiled in return, "I'm very well thank you Severus." Sirius sat up so his girlfriend was able to stand and she walked over to her brother.

James' face clouded with jealousy as Severus smiled and waved goodbye to Lily. "Levicorpus." James called his wand pointed to Severus. The boy rose into the air, sending violent swears his way, "James put my brother down!" Silver demanded now angered by the boys childish actions. "But why we're all having fun. Why don't we flip him upside down? Let's see what underwear he's wearing today shall we." As he spoke he flicked his wand sending Snape spirling landing upside down do his robe fell over his face. "Oh my Merlin! He's wearing old grey pants!" James chuckled as she began moving his wand up and down making Severus bounce in the air, his greasy hair flopping in all direction.

"Potter! Put him down now!" Lily shouted now standing and marching over to the arrogant boy, smirking slightly upon seeing his bare legs. James smiled clearly enjoying the prank he was pulling. "You agreed to go to Hogsmeade with me, Lilypad. Agree to go out with me and I'll put him down. Go out with me, and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again." Lily scoffed at his comment her face turning bright red as she yelled, "I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid! And you can forget about Hogsmead unless you put him down right now James Potter! Do you hear me?" She was shouting at the top of her voice a sudden anger emitting from her small frame.

James smirked at the redhead before turning back to the floating boy. "As you wish Lilypad." He spoke as he dropped the boy on his head, Severus jumped up with his wand in his hand, James remain stood calmly his wand fixated in his hand. "There you go. You're lucky Evans was here Snivelly." James grinned at the boy, "I don't need help from a filthy mudblood like her." He spat instantly regretting his words, "No Lily I didn't ... I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry."

Lilys angry state had now turned to one of pure rage, tears flowing down her cheeks. The others watches in shock as the small girl bursted out in a hot furry as she bellowed at the boy, "You're sorry? You're sorry? You call everyone of my heritage a mudblood, why would I be any different?" She cried out. "Snivellus just go, come on Evans." Lily snapped her head around to face James, "Don't think you're any better! You caused this, just because you didn't say it doesn't mean you're some kind of saint!" She turned and ran to the castle tears streaming from her eyes. Ivy and Tillie bolted straight after her following her into the castle to comfort her.

"Snape. Leave." He shouted through gritted teeth as he turned to the boy he had such a strong hatred for. This greasy haired foul mouthed slug had just costed him his chance with his long time crush. "Come on Silvy let's go." Severus turned to his twin and tried to pull her in the direction of the forest. Silver's eyes burned red, her hair was standing on edge red sparks igniting alight. "You foul-mouth, loathsome, evil little cockroach. Don't you ever speak to Lily like that, in fact don't even speak to her ever again. Get the hell away from me and don't ever talk to me again, Snivellus!" She yelled her hair sparking, her body was now alight in flames as she stared down at the boy.

The boy was dumbstruck as he watched the girl. The name he had been tormented with for so long had now come out the mouth of the person he loved and cared for most. He silently turned and walked away from the group refusing to allow them see the hurt the name had caused. "James you twat." Sirius spoke calmly as he pulled Silver into a hug to calm her down. The girls hair returned to normal instantly under the boys touched and she sobbed into his chest, she gripped his shirt tightly as the tears clouded her vision. He guided her up to the castle allowing her to cry into him, he glanced back to Peter and indicated for him to follow leaving James alone under the beech tree.

James stared down at his hands regret filling him as he watched after his best friends. He was alone for the first time at Hogwarts, he had always had either Sirius or Remus by his side no matter how wrong he was. But he'd manage to hurt everyone close to him and the guilt was beginning to eat away at him. He trudged up to the castle alone and went straight to bed not bothering to go to dinner that night.

A/n - I know this chapter is slightly shorter but get ready, in the next chapter the Marauders are about to split apart. Next chapter will show arguments, makeups and a whole load of drama.

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