“His friendship with Maxim was broken and I knew it was my fault.  I tried to fix it but when I went to Maxim to tell him to back off he refused.  He said he was in love with her and now that she and Lester had broken up he felt it gave him a chance.” 

“Oh Stassi.”   Kara exclaims rubbing and patting the younger woman on the back to comfort her. 

Stassi seems to want to purge everything.  “I couldn’t believe it got so out of hand so fast.  Maxim and Lester were friends through college.  They had done so many business deals together all of it came to a stop.  Alexandra moved out of the home she and Lester had built.  I went to see her at her new apartment to talk to her and she was sick the whole time.  She tried to get me to leave.  While we were talking a man knocked on her door, it was Maxim.  I went back and told Lester they were seeing each other.  I really had no idea if it was the truth.”  

“A few weeks after that Lester said she was pregnant with Maxim’s baby, but I knew better, she had morning sickness when I visited her.  I confronted her about it and asked her if it was Maxim’s.  She told me it was Lester’s but I didn’t tell him about that conversation and I never have.  I let him divorce her thinking she was pregnant by another man and then she lost the baby.”  Stassi lays her head in Kara’s lap and softly cries. 

Kara is trying to comfort her when she looks up catching at a distance her mother watching them.  She doesn’t believe her mother can hear their conversation but she wonders why she is sitting there watching them. 

“I’m so sorry Kara….please don’t tell anyone yet.  I have to find a way to tell Lester and ask for his forgiveness.  That’s why….I….was hoping that he and Alexandra have a chance.  Now she’s gone again and I feel like she’s not by Lester’s side because of me.” 

“We’ll find her Stassi.  You are going to have to face your brother when he’s better.  You have to tell him all that you’ve done.”  Kara continues to try to comfort her while watching her mother’s movements at the same time.   

“Stassi, there’s a restroom over there.  Why don’t you go get cleaned up?  I’ll stay here and wait for you.  I need to think about this.”  Kara explains. 

Stassi looks at Kara with red tear stained eyes.  I’m really sorry….I’m also sorry for the way I treated you.  I just want you to know that I hope you and my cousin are alright.  I really think you’re good for Braylin.”  Stassi says standing up. 

Kara stands up next to her.  “Thanks for confiding in me.  I can’t promise you that I’ll keep your secret forever Stassi, you’ve got to tell Lester as soon as he comes out of this understand.”  Kara is firm with her. 

“I know and I will.  I just needed to tell somebody.  I want you there when I tell him.  Will you help me?” 

“Stassi, I don’t know about that….it’s really none of my business.” Kara responds. 

“I know, but it would help if you were there.  He’s going to hate me and I don’t know how to deal with that.  I know the relationship you have with your mother, I was sort of hoping you could help me through this after I tell him.”  She explains. 

Kara’s eyes fill with water and she shakes her head in understanding while hugging Stassi.  “I’ll be in the room with you if that’s enough?”  She ask. 

“Yeah….ok.”  The tearful woman goes to the restroom to freshen up.  Kara wipes the water from her eyes then gets up to go in the direction she saw her mother retreat. 

“Emotional young thing isn’t she?”  Amelia says walking from behind one of the corners in the lounging area. 

“Are you spying on me?”  Kara fumes at her. 

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