taylor: hey guys we're going to target right now and buying cake mix for later
she said peeking her head between me and Mattia.

mattia: well obviously me and avery are gonna win cause i'm italian

alejandro: man that has nothing to do with this

@blahblahblah1: he's always making it known 😭

@blahbkah2: are you and avery back together?

avery: yes we got back together a couple days ago but i told him if he fucks up again it's over for real, for real

We made it to the store and I walked in before all of them. Mattia had his live with Taylor and Alejandro behind me.

"Which mix should I get?" I asked them. They shouted back strawberry and chocolate so that's what I got. I payed then we left and made our way back home.

He parked the car and we all walked back in my house but Mattia stayed outside talking to the live for a bit until we were ready.

ready babe

He walked into the kitchen and set the phone down where you could see all four of us.

"Okay, so what should we name our teams?" He asked the live. They all said after colors so obviously we were team purple. Ale and Taylor were team red.

"Team purple has chocolate and red has strawberry cake. May the best win." We shook hands and started.

We finished our mixes at the same time and put it in the oven together.

"So what do we do for the remaining twenty minutes?" I whispered to Mattia.

"I have something me and you can do." He looked down at me. I blushed and shook my head looking down.

"We have Ale and Taylor here, plus you're live."

"I'm sure they won't notice." He said not giving up.

"Your fans notice everything. I'm not taking any chances. Besides, I'm not even in the mood." I responded walking away.

Until the time was up in the oven, we did a q&a on his live then took the cakes out.

We iced and decorated them then cut it up.

"Team purple put drugs in their cake." Ale whispered. I threw a wet paper towel at his forehead that made a weird noise and stuck to his skin.

"Oh my god please tell me someone got that on video." I said in between laughter.

"Okay so now what you've all been waiting for.." Mattia said exaggerating the r. I cut slices for everyone and we tasted the cakes.

"Ours is obviously better." He said to Taylor and Ale.


"Shut up babe ours is better." He cut me off. I shook my head and winked at Taylor without him seeing.

"This is hard cause theirs is good too." Ale said putting the last piece in his mouth.

the new girl m.p. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz