But before she could do anything, Draco placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead. "I will."

Hermione smiled at him and pulled the cloak out from her bag. She put it on herself and quickly stood up.

She glanced back at Draco and then made her way towards Goyle. She crept behind him and stood there, her wand pointed at him. But she knew that she had to save Ginny and Harry first. 

So, to distract him, she pointed her wand at another death eater and non verbally cast the Flipendo spell. The death eater flew backwards and hit the wall behind him. 

And apparenlty that was enough to distract Goyle and the other death eaters. He immediatley walked towards the death eater who was lying unconscious near the wall, leaving Ginny and Harry. 

Hermione immediately walked up to them and released them from the Petrificus Totalus spell. They both turned around, looking confused for a moment, but Harry smiled as he understood what was happening. "Hermione?" He asked, just to be sure.

"It is me, Harry. You both take your wands, Goyle was stupid enough to leave them here, lying on the ground and help the others in capturing the other death eaters. I will take care of Goyle." Hermione told them.

"Thanks, and take care, Hermione." Ginny said, before Harry could argue with Hermione on her decision. She knew there was no use of it, Hermione's voice was more determined than ever, even more than it was during exams. If she was determined to do something, she would do it. And Ginny was just proven right, when Hermione told her, "Thanks." 

Ginny nodded and picked up the wands, giving Harry his wand. They immediatley went away to help the other death eaters.

Hermione, on the other hand, went towards the little group that was standing near the wall, their leader standing the nearest to the unconscious death eater. 

She stood a little over three feets away from them and petrified all of them, excluding Goyle. He turned around, perplexed by the sudden movement. 

"Who is there?" He shouted.

Instead of answering, Hermione thought of showing it to him. She removed the cloak from herself and put it in her bag, all the while Goyle was watching her with his mouth hanging open.

"Y-you-wha-how?" He stuttered. 

"That is for me to know, and you to find out. But not now, okay? I think we something rather interesting to do now." Hermione told him as she pointed her wand at him.

And thus, the duel between them began. Goyle, surprisingly, was a good dueler. He could keep up with her, and was constantly casting spells at her.

Hermione was moving backwards, and was about to cast a spell at him, when she tripped over a rock and fell to the ground.

Hermione was trying to sit up from the ground while Goyle was standing there and smirking at her. He too was about to cast a spell at her, when they heard a shout. 


Hermione looked behind her to see Harry casting the Disarming spell at Goyle. She caught his eye and he grinned at her. 

She mouthed a 'Thank you' at him, and he nodded, leaving to help someone else. Hermione quickly stood up and used the Petrificus Totalus spell at him. 

He fell down and she rushed over to him. "If I had wanted to hurt you, believe me, you would have received a lot worse than this petrifying spell. But I promised someone that I wouldn't kill you, and I won't. But I won't let Andy die in vain either. He was a hero, unlike you. You and the others will be sent to Azkaban, and would receive the Dementors' Kiss, I would make sure of that. But now, I have a little left over work to do." She told him.

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