"Whoa, why?" I asked and he seemed confused.

"We went over this yesterday sweetheart." Ryan told me and I felt confused. "Then again you were on some big drugs when you woke up for a bit.

"What did you tell me?"

"I told you about how the drug cartel or the MC that was running drugs through my town were going to come after you for the giant drug bust that you pulled all on your own." He told me and I started to remember the conversation from last night and I felt my face start to burn from what I said about him, or did I just think about how hot he was. I remember thinking something about him and his goddaughter would make me hot. Did I say it out loud? "You okay?"

"Yes. Yeah. I am just fine." I cleared my throat and went to take more sips of the juice and he seemed to concentrate on me as he finished talking to me about what he would be doing for me, how he had taken my phone from my personal items and took my number for himself, and he started to charge it.

"Who is the guy in the lock screen?" He asked me and I paused and looked at it as he handed it over.

"He's my brother." I looked at the screen now, it was him, smiling, his dimples and freckles were what had girls fawning over him in high school before his accident.

"I didn't see a number in there. Should I have called him?" He asked me and moved to sit back beside my hip and I looked from my phone that was now in my hand and then back to him before shaking my head. "Bad blood?"

"He died a couple years ago." I told him and he nodded slowly.

"Sorry." He whispered and I just looked away and flipped my phone over so I didn't have to see his face.

"It has been a long time. Almost over it." I told him and he looked concerned and I just looked around. "When do you think the doctor will come in?" I asked and he looked around before seeing the clock.

"He might be here before noon. They don't seem so busy here, which is good." He told me and I nodded back and kept my eyes on my apple sauce and ate it slowly. Death talk always made my dating life weird, even someone I wasn't dating thought I was awkward for even saying I was almost over it.

Who says stuff like that to an almost complete stranger?

I kept my mouth shut and closed my eyes for a while when I was done. I heard someone come in and I cracked an eye open to see it was just some lady taking my breakfast tray away and I closed my eye back up.

"Are you pretending to be asleep?" I heard Ryan and I opened my eyes softly and shook my head. "Trying to go back to sleep?"

"Just trying to keep quiet." I told him and he laughed lightly. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"Well... why are you trying to keep quiet?" He asked back and I sighed and opened my eyes.

"Because if I keep talking I am going to make this awkward, and I really want to get out of here and just do my laundry and be at home." I could order a pizza, put the ice cream on my head and take some meds the doctor will hopefully give me.

"I can help with the laundry and things. I don't think they want you picking anything too heavy up." He told me and I blushed at the thought of him seeing my delicates that I always had to sort and wash separate. "You know... you're cute when your face turns pink." He sent me a wink and before I could tell him not to comment I heard a knock and saw a man in a white coat walk in slowly.

"Hello, Noelle Rolland, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Can I have your birthday?" He said looking right at the chart as I rattled off March 28, and the year I was born.

The doctor went through my injuries, the torn muscle in my shoulder, the sprained ankle, the bruised forehead. All in all, nothing too serious. "However, we do need to make sure you are monitored for one more night, we can keep you here if you live alone, or your boyfriend here could stay with you and make sure there isn't any dizzy black out spells, you breathe in your sleep just fine, we kept a nurse on your vitals over night..." He looked between me and Ryan and I bit my lip.

"I'll stay with her tonight." Ryan told the man and I felt my eyes widen out and the doctor nodded happily, saying he would get the papers put together and I should be out of here by lunch.

"You didn't ask if you could stay with me." I told him and he laughed. Ryan walked closer, his eyes keeping mine and I gulped as he got down in front of my face.

"I would like to see you keep me away. You need one night... and then you're free to sleep alone all you want. I told you, I am making sure that you are protected, if that means keeping an eye on you for one night and then posting one of my guys outside for the rest of the week or month or however long it takes to make sure the MC that broke the rules is dealt with, then so be it. I am the only man I will let in your house."

"What?" I asked and he just winked and set his chair right in front of me and I saw him flip through some channels before I saw the News. My name was running along the bottom, it said my first last name and my school name as well as how much money the drugs were translated to.

We watched for a while and I was looking around for the doctor, noon came and went, and we waited some more before Ryan stood and went to the nurses desk to see if we were going to get out of here before I was served dinner.

The nurses kicked it into high gear to get me discharged and we were heading out to the garage with someone pushing me in a wheelchair and getting to his truck. It was an old school 60's ford, and he helped me in before going around and starting it up.

I was tired, and my head was still hurting but at least I wasn't dizzy. I had gotten a small look at myself and was thankful the bruise to my forehead could be covered up with some makeup. We got to the other end of town and he was finding his way to my house easily.

Once we got there he looked at the house and smiled before going around to help me out since the door was a bit stuck. He let me lead the way and I realized that I didn't have my keys and that they had to be in my little personal stuff bag.

He helped me look through it before I could open the door and when I did he held open the door for me and then waved me inside like it was his house he was letting me explore.

Ryan (Razorback MC Book 2)[Full series on Novelcat]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora