For Who You Are || Wilhemina Venable

Start from the beginning

"Well what happened?" I asked while folding my hands together.

"Her powerpoint had major typos. W's were m's should be. B's and d's switched around like really bad and she didn't notice. She was reading like it was perfectly fine. She didn't notice til one of the investors said something. We could've lost the deal V!" Mutt rambled.

I just sat there silently before nodding slowly. I cleared my throat before looking at them.

"I'll talk to her when we get home and get to the bottom of everything. Thank you for letting me know." I said lowly as they got up and walked out of my office.

I sighed and tapped my fingers a top my desk trying to figure out what could have caused her to make those mistakes. She could have been tired whilst making it but she should have noticed it before the meeting. I'll just have to wait to ask her.

~later at home~

I unlocked the door to Y/N and I's apartment and once the door was opened I was met with silence. I put my keys back in my purse before walking over to the couch and setting my things down over the side of it. I walked down the hallway and went into the room to look around for her but was met by nothing. I frowned until I heard the front door open again. Then it closed. And then opened again. Then closed again. Opened one more time. Then closed one more time. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I quietly walked out into the hallway, just watching her. She proceeded to lock then unlock the top lock 15 times exactly before locking and unlocking the bottom lock the same amount.

Once she was done I walked out and saw her hanging her coat up and placing her shoes next to the door adjusting them until they were to her liking. I finally decided to my presence by speaking.

"What are you doing?" I questioned in a soft voice not wanting to frighten her but she still jumped and whipped around with her hand on her chest.

"Jesus Mina. I almost jumped out of my skin! How long have you been standing there?" She asked in a higher pitched voice since she was startled.

"Since you started locking the door. What was that all about?" I asked softly as I went over to the couch and sat down. She began to get nervous and fidget with her hands slightly. She dropped her gaze from me to the floor before shifting on her feet.

"Uh.. Nothing?" She said more as a question than a statement.

"Come sit by me." I said before patting the spot on the couch that was right next to me. I saw her hesitate which caused me to be a little more demanding. "Now Y/N."

She walked over to the couch quickly before sitting down with her head still held down.

"Jeff and Mutt told me what happened earlier. Can you explain to why you had all those mistakes? You're usually so precise." I stated in a gently not wanting her to get upset and get closed off.

"I guess I was too tired to notice." She mumbled.

"So you were tired while making it and while presenting it?" I asked. She hesitantly nodded causing me to sigh because I knew she wasn't telling me the truth.

"There's no way thats why Y/N. I need you to tell me the truth so I can help." I pushed a little further. I saw her take a deep breath before looking up at me with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"There's no way you can help Mina. I- I can't fix this and I tried so many times and it always makes everything worse." She whimpered as the tears built up quickly.

I reached forward and wiped away the tear that had fallen down her face before softly cupping her cheek.

"What makes everything worse?"

"My dyslexia." She softly whispered. The tears started to fall more rapidly. I just stared at her in shock.

"I thought it was getting better and I could tell the difference but I don't know what happened. I was reading more to help and all my progress just disappeared and it could have costed me, us our jobs." She ranted as the tears kept rolling down her face.

"Shhh its okay. I promise, there's no need to feel bad. Can you answer one more question for me?" I wiped her tears before holding her head up to towards me. She nodded and she sniffled. She bottom lip was poking out and she looked so adorable.

"Why did you lock the door so many times?" I asked  which cause her eyes to flicker away from for a split  second before she answered.

"I had OCD." She said so soft I could barely hear her.

"It's usually not that bad and I only lock the door three times but I guess since I had a bad day it kind of spiraled a little bit." She said again in a louder voice.

"So how does yours work? Because I know they're are different types." I said softly finally understanding all her little quirks.

"Um I just like stuff in certain spots and do things in sets of 5's or 3's. It's not like a severe case but when I have bad days I do things more than I would to stay grounded." She said as she started to relax a little
more whilst her tears finally stopped.

I nodded before leaning forward and kissing her forehead, then her nose then finally placing a soft kiss on her lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and once I pulled away she laid her head on my shoulder just clinging to me.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would've helped you out a little more or something?" I questioned while rubbing her back lightly.

"Cause I wanted to do everything on my own. I don't like asking for help and you know this."

"Well start liking it because I'm here to help at any time." I said as I squeezed her sides a little making her squeal and squirm around.

"What if I don't want help?"

"I'm gonna help anyway. And there's nothing you can do about it." I said before leaning down and whispering in her ear.

"Because disobedient little girls get punished."

She squirmed around a little more before nodding and saying that she understood. I kissed her forward and leaned back on the couch and we cuddled for the rest of the night.

word count: 1574

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