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"Everyone has their sides, able or not to control depending on the strength of each self."

"Diaz, wake up now. We're too late to register you!" A quiet morning without the taste of birds or the sound of vehicles was finally broken by the echo of footsteps stepping on the wooden floor of the house. The house is full of the screams of a man in his 40s as he checks the watch on his wrist.

"Give me five more minutes," shouted his son named Diaz. The house they were living in echoed with the screams of the two children. "Huh, you won't change aren't you. It's Rosaria's temperament," the man whispered while taking the important documents that were arranged on their dining table.

"Dad. I'm ready!" Diaz yell while adjusting his tie which was a little slanted. "Oh, you look smart. Thanks to my genes. Find a girlfriend already," chuckles his father while brushing the dust on Diaz's shoulder. "Why do you say that? Am I not your biological son? And why did you tell me to find a girlfriend," Diaz ask playfully while smirking? His cheeks began to flush with embarrassment and joy.

"I can see that red cheek, you must have one already."

He laugh, truly tried to hide his embarrassment especially while thinking about her.

"Diana, right?" asked his father with a cynical smile. "How did you know?" Diaz asked. "Son, this is Professor Michael. He cares about his son and only, Diaz," his father smiled proudly while praising himself. "That's right. But I want to focus on my education first before confessing her," his head became a place to let go of embarrassment.

"Ok, it's good if it's like that. You know I am also interested in her, she's a good girl, smart, polite, beautiful and a perfection someone can have," said Michael, in silence embarrassed Diaz.

Polite he said? He doesn't see her horn coming out yet! The horn plus the tail came out means a disaster...

"Come on, we'll be late to register you. Today I want you to drive the car," asked Michael as he opened the step to the front door of the house. Diaz replied with a proud smile. "Someone's finally letting his son drive his precious car."

 "As long as you don't drive us into an accident, I'm okay with that" mocked Michael. Diaz can only smile at his father's behaviour. They both left home and went to Fleur Specialist University [FSU]. The ivory tower produced many academically brilliant and glorious graduates. FSU is also the best university in Cybercity, the metropolitan city they lived in. So if it's the best, it must be hard to get in. Diaz got the university's offer because of his very excellent FSUT result.

He is once known as a cry baby, clumsy, annoying and always failing Diaz. But now, there is only smart, mature-minded, and popular Diaz. It's been 20 years since his traumatising years started, there's no more unlucky grade 10 Diaz. But no matter 20 years pass, happy go lucky still does not want to leave his attitude. What about missions? 

Wait, what missions exactly? 

Diaz is an agent working under a secret agency since he was 10 years old. Unbelievable right? Well, you need to believe it. His pass and how he got into the young agents' programme sounds a bit funny but that's the reality. After years of failing every training and mission, Diaz can't stand being bullied by other young agents so he decided to work hard as much as he can. Not just for himself but also his...secret lover, Diana. She is one of the top three greatest and strongest young agents amongst his batch. 

A dim witty like him wanted to date a perfectionist agent? He needs to work hard on that. A year passed and one day Diana got her mission after they graduate from being under Young agents. They're now can be called Agents. But that day, was the worst day ever for Diaz. The day he got the news that Diana is no longer with them after running a personal mission chasing a mafia family. Does she get murdered? or got kidnapped? No one knows...her body also cannot be found anywhere. She disappear like a speck of dust got blown away with one, single blowing. 

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