~|Chapter 12|~

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It's been 3 days.

Three days since Joy's been in the hospital.

He's been trying to get a hold of me since, but he knows more than anyone just how stubborn I can be. Jake and Rose found out about our fight when they went to go visit Joy that same morning. They weren't too happy about it, but the two understood and left the two of us alone to deal with it. My way of dealing with it was just to ignore the problem, and him, until the issue just goes away and I don't remember it anymore.

In the past three days, over 200 more students signed up for the Yearly Cup. The results of the Top 50 will be announced today so that students can start voting starting on the following Monday. That's pretty much it as of news for the school.

However, another interesting thing happened in the past couple days. There's a new name going around town (and by town I mean Sparrow High), and that name happens to be Tristan Ryder. I was surprised when I first heard about his fight with David Henderson, the second best fighter in the province; not that he just fought with him, but he won too. Even though I knew he was quite fit, I didn't think that boxing was his forte. However, I don't know much about him to judge what he does and doesn't do.

Since I was so busy with the preparations for the Yearly Cup, I hadn't been able to hang out a lot with anyone. I really don't know what's going on with the crew besides the quick five-minute updates Jake gives me every night. Apparently, with Joy being in the hospital, Sam and Oliver have become his Jake's hang-out-in-classes-with buddies. Even though Oliver's in grade 12, a lot of the classes he's taking this semester are electives, which are mostly mixed grades.

Rose, Charles and I have at least half an hour phone calls to keep each other updated with schoolwork in case Rose and I missed a class, but that's all we get to talk about. Perks of having Charles' dad as our principle, we all have classes with one or two other people from our group. Other than that, I have been cut off from the world.

Not that I was complaining.

As I sat in Math with Jake and Rose on either side of me, I realized that this was probably the first time in the past couple of days that I actually got to attend the entire class. Usually, I'd get pulled out in the first 10 minutes of it. Not that I really need to sit through an entire class of Prime Factorization, but there are people here who actually depend on me.

"Pst. What's the answer to 4?"

Aka, Jake and Rose.

I turned to Jake and he grinned at me. I shook my head, telling him I wasn't going to tell him the answer again, and he pouted at me. I sighed and turned my attention back to my own worksheet, hoping to get through the rest of the work without zoning out again.

There was a substitute in for Mrs. Keira today, which is usually student code for 'Do whatever the hell you want because the actual authority isn't in today,' but I find that super annoying. Like, isn't the substitute a person with a degree too?

Shaking away anymore deep thoughts from my head, I turned to the first question and started working.

"Pst. SAM!" Jake tried to whisper.

I stopped mid-work and snapped my head to face Jake. His attention however, was on Sam who was sitting in the next isle over. Just as I was going to tell him to be quiet, I was nudged by the person sitting beside me on the other side.

Rosabelle Foster.

I turned around and greeted her with a scowl. Her face was set in a wide grin and she simply held her sheet up and pointed to #4. Before I could snap at her, the bell rang signaling that it was lunch time. Rose sighed in relief and nearly fainted on her desk, out of happiness of course. She really hates Math. I stood up heavily and started packing away all my stuff.

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