~|Chapter 24|~

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It was finally here.

The first official day for the Yearly Cup.

For once, I had enough sleep over the weekend, and I woke up in time to have a good breakfast. Since he would be coming to the auditorium as well, Joel also woke up early and joined us for breakfast. I knew he was super busy, and Jake and I had even insisted that he shouldn't come, however, Joel already had made up his mind.

He was coming to see Jake and me on stage. No room for question.

Other than him, Charles, Sophie, Joy, and even Bree, were also coming to the first round. Since much of the student population would also be attending, the school day would be a little laid back today. At least, that's what I was hoping for.

I straightened out my crisp red shirt and let out the breath I had been holding. Finally, I grabbed my bag and everything else I needed, and made my way out of my room. Once I reached the main foyer, I found Jake and Joel already standing there waiting for me. Joel had a casual white shirt on, one of the many he owned, and Jake was dressed in a shirt identical to mine. They both wore matching grins, and for once, I grinned back.

"Okay, since there are no other adults around to tell you this... I'll just say it," Joel suddenly said.

I turned to him, surprised that he brought up the lack of adults in this house. It was a touchy topic. One that made my grin drop, and my head lower in shame. Jake followed me, and soon enough, both of us were stuck reminiscing about the past. But before I could think too much of it, Joel spoke again.

"Hey, none of that, okay?" he said, tilting Jake and my head up with one hand under each of our chins. "This is your day. And good luck. I'm proud of you guys. I'm proud of you for growing up to be the greatest kids anyone could ask for."

The sincerity in his voice made my eyes swell with tears. It wasn't often that I received compliments like this. When it did happen, it made me so darn emotional.

I quickly blinked away the unshed tear and turned to Joel with a smile on my face.

"Don't worry. We'll make you proud," I said lightly, trying to make the situation lighter.

Joel grinned at me and turned to Jake. Surprising, Jake was wiping away at his cheeks. When he brought his hand down, I was surprised to see the redness coating his eyes.

"What?" he murmured.

Joel and I continued to stare at him.

"I'm emotional in the mornings, okay?" he defended.

Joel and I shared a look and rose a brow at him. He finally broke character and threw his arms around Joel.

"I love you, man!" he fake wailed.

Joel playfully slapped his back and pushed him away.

"Get away you bugger," he said, chuckling as he said this.

Jake finally got off of him and sighed.

"Thanks Joel. You're the best," Jake finally said, his eyes now sincere.

Joel smiled at him and nodded. At last, they both turned to me. I smiled back at them. However, my smile vanished when I saw the clock behind Jake. A screech escaped my lips as I started pushing both men out the door.

We had only fifteen minutes left before the rest of the schools would be arriving at Sparrow High.

And I was not ready.

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