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Bold is Khloe
Italic is Seb


"Glad you were able to pick up!"

"What's up?"

"Keeley went into Labor"

"What? Seriously? She is not due for another week!"

"I know but apparently Madison is ready to come out"

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah She is at the hospital now. Chris went in the room with her. I know you wanted to know if and when her water broke"

"I am going to come"

"Oh good, really?"

"I told them when she does go into the labor I am leaving. They said they'll work around the schedule. I am getting a private plane to get there faster hopefully I will be there in three hours"

"We will be here"

"Just keep me posted how she is doing"

"I will"

Is This True Love 2 (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now