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Is Keeley near you?

No, I am not home 
I'm waiting on a 
meeting with my agent

Just wondering because
I wanted to know if you've
told her what you did?
She texted me asking if 
you are okay and I had to lie.

I haven't

Why the hell not?

I'm scared to tell her

I get that I would be too 
but you have to dude!! 
She deserves to know
and it better come from
you instead of her finding
out from someone else. 
Girls find out everything it is
like their super power I just 
hope you have a good explanation

I got so drunk I don't
even remember how it
happened. I just woke up
the next morning and 
found out. The only
thing I do remember is I
hung out with you that
night and the next thing I
know it is the next day.
Did you know?

No, I was drunk too. 
I don't remember much
but I do know that we 
took separate ubers home
until you told me about your
morning. Being drunk
doesn't justify what 
you did though 

I know that. 
I am scewed aren't I?

I'm afraid so

I don't want to lose Keeley. 
I love her. 
I'd be lost without her. 
I need her in my life.

She is one of a kind, a
great girl if I was
you I wouldn't ether

If I was in my right mind 
I would never do that to 
her! I could never hurt her.

I believe you. If I was 
in your shoes I'd be scared
as shit to tell her too but
it has to be done

That doesn't help!

I know it doesn't. Look 
I wish I could help you
I really do but there isn't 
anything I can do. 
It's all on you

I am surprised you even
want to talk to me

I love you man. You're 
my Sexy Sea Bass and I
will always have your 
back even when you
screw up, but I am her
friend too. I don't want 
to see ether of you hurt, 
so you need to fix this....
Chris on the other hand, 
I don't know how he'll take
this news he is very protective
of Keels.....

This is killing me!

This is killing me too,
dude in a different way,
but it is. I kind of blame
myself too for letting us
get so drunk and go out,
but after we separated 
its all on you

Is This True Love 2 (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now