81:|With Tom

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I am hanging out in Tom's trailer while Seb and Chris are busy filming. Since I was free, Tom asked me to hang and help him to record something.

Chris Hemsworth did an E! entertainment video where he was playing with Avenger toys. He knocked over Spiderman saying "he's a kid he can fall over" so Tom decided to make his own video. I don't know where he got the toys from, but a little Bucky, Falcon, Hawkeye, Captain America, Antman, Spiderman, Ironman, Crimson Shadow, and Black Widow were spread out on his coffee table.

With his canon camera in hand for better quality than I phone, I asked him "Are you ready?"

He nodded sitting across from me "I am, yeah"

"Okay," I clicked the red button to start recording "action!"

Tom began smiling at the camera with a little wave"Hey Everyone Tom here. I'm going to do a similar sort of thing that Chris Hemsworth did just without the crazy good looks, Australian accent, and big bicepts." point to the Action figures in front of him "Here we have the Avengers and I been kind enough to put Thor in here, but what I know is" That was my signal to throw the little hammer that the Thor came with. Watching it fly at him, Tom didn't even catch it. Acting all cool about the miss, he picked it back up and showed it to the camera "I can also wield the hammer" Using the hammer, Tom knocks over Thor so he would fall to the floor "Who is the kid now, Thor?"
I sat here smiling to myself. I love this kid so much.

Tom sat there and started singing a made up song "Best of friends, best of friends, best of friends" He placed Spidernan, Ironman, Antman, Crimson Shadow, and Captain America together in their own little circle before picking up Bucky to move him off to the side "I am a little scared of you not gunna lie"

That got me to laugh! Hey, it is Bucky! He is a cinnamon roll...in my eyes at least.

Bucky wasnt the only one he moved, Hawkeye and placed next to Bucky "Haven't had anything to do with you yet" Moving on, Tom picked Falcon up "I beat your ass you can go away" throwing him across the room with a loud thud to the wall. Mackie is gunna love that if he sees this video. "The A team" He announced, knocking over Hawkeye, Bucky, and even Black Widow leaving Cap, Antman, Spiderman, Ironman, and Crimson Shadow standing.

That was the end of the video.

I clicked the red button, placing down the camera. I was touched he left my character standing "Rachel is a part of the group?"

He had no problem with her, probably only because I play her "Peter likes her. She is bad ass"

"Black Widow is not?" Scarlett played her so well.

"She betrayed Tony at the end of Civil War"
"Ah, gotcha"

I got up to pick up my fav character, Bucky "I'm keeping him!"

Tom chuckled at me not so surprised "You can have him want Falcon too?"

Why the hell would I want Birdboy "Nope" holding my Bucky to my chest

"What are you gunna do with Bucky?" He wondered. I was a grown woman with a toy, but he was a grown man with these toys too.

"Keep it" I had plans "If Seb and I ever have a son he can have a little toy of his daddy, since the other son" meaning Tom "Doesn't want it. What are you going do with all of them?"

"Maybe make more of these videos"

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