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I placed the hook that was on the end of the green leash onto Tucker's black collar.

I was in my trailer like usual and decided to let Tucker have some fresh air maybe have him go see Dodger.

My little man seemed to be happy to get out too

I opened th door as the good fresh air hit us in the face "after you" I watched Tucker move his little legs down the steps while I followed behind

No destination was in mind just wondered around the place, minding my own business with my apple airpods in.

I got out my phone to play some music clicking shuffle.

'Friday im in love' by the Cure started to blast into my ears.

'I don't care if Monday's blu

Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday I'm in love'

It was a good and catchy song; I was enjoying myself letting the music flow though my body causing me to dance at I walked as Tucker walked beside me sniffing around.

Keeping my eye sight straight ahead of me, Tucker saw something I didnt. I felt a tug from the leash as I was being pullled "Jesus Christ, Tucker" I almost tripped on my own two feet. He was strong for such a little being. I had to try and catch my balance as he pulled me before I bust my ass.

"What do you see?" Going in a certain direction until I realized who he saw. Sebastian was with Winston Duke outside of his trailer.

"Wait, wait" I pulled him back only slightly for him to stop walking "Want to see your dad?"

I wasn't going to go over there, no chance. Tucker obviously wanted to, so I bent own to take the leash off his collar. The second it was off, Tucker took off like Flash towards Seb.

I watched him go with his little tail wagging behind him.

Seeing something appear in his eye sight, Sebastian smiled at the sight of his little boy before glancing up to see me in the distance. Tucker didnt just happen to get out on his own I let him free.

When I saw that Seb noticed I was around, I quickly did a one eighty turn to make a get away only to be met face to face with a zeppole.

I looked to the person holding it up to see it was Pratt out of his Starlord outfit "You have zeppoles?"

He held up a bag up full of them "Yup"

Suddenly I felt hungry seeing the delicious dough in his hand "Are you willing to share?"

"Who else would I want to share these with?" He questioned right back.

"Vin Diesel" Taking a random guess to the person who plays Groot.

"He would eat the whole bag" He scoffed "It's you who I'd share them with, duffas!"

I giggled "I know"

"Want to hang out in my trailer and eat them?" Pratt started to walk backwards for me to follow him

"Sounds good" I looked back and saw they were gone. Seb must have took Tucker inside with him. I sighed in relief turning back around "You saved me"

"From Seb coming over to talk to you I know." Pratt admitted "I saw that so I came over"

"Arent you sweet" That was nice of him

"I can be when I want to" Not always messing around with me, shoving the zeppole fully into his mouth "come on" I think that is he said. I barely could understand Pratt with food in his mouth.

Is This True Love 2 (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now