
Zacznij od początku

Username14: Congratulations

ElizabethOlsen: Can't wait for a little Evans to be running around

ZoeSaldana: Soooo exciting gotta love Keeley for her generosity to do such a thing

ScottEvans: I am so thrilled to have a little neice or nephew

Username15: You and Keeley can teach the kid all about Disney

Rener4Real: You two will be fantastic parents, congrats again

Username16: Keeley is pregnant?

Username17: Congratulations

Misha: My unicorn is glowing congrats to you and Khloe

AnthonyMackie: My Goldilocks giving me a lil niece or nephew

PaulBettany: Wish you all tbe best, parenthood is such a journey

Username18: I cant believe this is happening

MarkRuffalo: Congrats again

Username19: Sorry to hear you two cant have kids that must be hard

Username20: Congratulations

AshleyMonroe: Ahh so exciting I love babies if you eve need a baby sitter let me know

KhloeEvans: @AshleyMonroe Yes!!! Will do

TWHiddleston: Congrats on the little miracle Keels is giving you

ChrisHemsworth: Congrats, looking forward to meeting the little dorito

JensenAckles: Congrats guys, get ready for the joys of parenthood

Username21: Someone punch me I cant handle this

Username22: Congratulations

Username23: I am fucking screaming

Username24: Crimson Shadow is cooking up a baby for Cap

Username25: Keeley is glowing omg😍

Username26: Holy Fucking Shit!!!

Username27: Is it a boy or girl?

Username28: Congratulations

Username29: And Sebastian still hasn't left her yet?

Username30: Omg Chris that is amazing of her

Username31: I need a friend like Keeley in my life

Username32: Whaaaaaaaaaat?

Username33: Never expected this

Username34: Congratulations

Username35: She is getting big 😲 how did you keep it a secret for so long?

Username36: Its so amazing to become a parent, congrats

Username37: You added a new generation of Captain America

Username38: The baby will be so good looking

Username39: Keeley would get hate for this, but its wonderful

Username40: Congratulations

Username41: That sucks for you and Khloe but Keeley is a great friend

Username42: I know how it feels to know you can't have a kid. It's so great to find the right person to bare your child

Username43: Khloe is really okay with this?

Username44: I am so happy for all of you

Username45: My heart melted

Username46: A little Captain America is on the way

Username47: Keeley definitely deserves love

Username48: Wow Chris 💚💚💚

Username49: Look at that belly ahh awesome news

Username50: Yaaaas finally Chris is getting a kid

Username51: Omg a little Evans 💙

Username52: I want to be Keeley

Username53: If only you two got married

Username54: Best news

Username55: Keeley doesn't deserve hate for this

Username56: Why is Keeley so perfect?

Username57: I cant have kids ether that is so amazing of Keeley

Username58: So sorry for you guys though

Username59: Wtf?

Username60: Khloe looks so happy it makes me happy💜

Username61: Dam what a friend

Username62: Chris is gunna be a dad?

Username63: I am dead I cant even!

Username64: Youre already a daddy 😉 and now you'll be a daddy

Username65: Omg think of all the Disney trips he'll take with his kid

Username66: We need a lil Chris Evans in this world

Username67: So Keeley was the light in your darkness

Username68: Jealously Intensifies!!!!

Username69: Hold up, what?

Username70: How far along is Keeley?

Is This True Love 2 (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz