Flawless Victory?

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So, Mileena hasn't killed me.


I don't know if she will do it or not. After all, I did my part, she could think she doesn't need me anymore and get rid of me. Hopefully, what I did today will convince her to, at least, let me live.

About two hours passed since she proclaimed she was Outworld's new ruler.

I asked a soldier where Mileena was, he told me that she went to receive healing from some of the castle's maids. I could have healed her myself...maybe she just wanted to get the 'Empress routine' back. It's true that there is something great about being served my maids. I think. Hey, maybe some of those slaves and maids already worked for Mileena.

Anyway. Maybe I should let her alone for a bit. Just so she could relax.

The news of Kotal's death might have spread around the realm in no time. I wonder how people are reacting. I should go see myself in order to kill some time until I learn what Mileena intends to do with me.

I also wondered how long this news would take to reach Earthrealm.




I spent almost the rest of the day in town. When I returned to the palace, I spotted Erron Black and went to greet him.

(Y/N): "Hey, cowboy! Your new hand is dashing! So, are we good?"

Erron Black: "Considering I live and have a new hand thanks to you, yes."

(Y/N): "What are you talking about?" I shrugged my shoulders. "It was Mileena's decision." I smirked.

Erron Black: "I am no fool. I know Mileena isn't the forgiving type. What's your name again?"

(Y/N): "Y/N."

Erron Black: "Well, Y/N, I have a question for ya: will I still get paid? Didn't want to ask the Kahnum herself, just in case." Yeah, I would've done the same if I was in his cowboy boots.

(Y/N): "Of course, you will. Maybe not in the beginning but when you'll prove to Mileena you deserve it, you'll get paid. You are a skilled man after all, Erron." He eyed me for a few seconds.

Erron Black: "Have we met before? Your face looks familiar now that I see it up close."

(Y/N): "Let's just say you're not the only one who's older than he seems because of some sorcerer. Welp, see ya around." I waved at him while walking away.

Erron Black: "We'll need to have a little chat." I heard him say.

Wandering around in the Kahnum's palace, I visited most of the rooms and noticed they were all being refurbished, with Mileena's bedroom and throne room being the priorities.

I kept this little walk until I heard someone call me. Turning around, I was met by Tanya who was accompanied by a few guards.

This could be bad news.

Tanya: "There you are. We've been searching for you for a while now."

(Y/N): "I was wandering in town to see how everyone was reacting."

Tanya: "And how was it?"

(Y/N): "Well, I think it's 50/50. One half is dreading Mileena's reign while the other seems to be happy to see her back."

This conversation didn't have the atmosphere I thought it would have...it was as if there weren't any bad intention. Now again, Tanya could want my death and I wouldn't notice it.

Anything for my Kahnum (Sorcerer Reader x Mileena)Where stories live. Discover now