A/N: Yes. I am back.

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Author here:
I finally started writing the sequel of this story:《The time spent with my Kahnum was...》
Yes, a pretty long title but for now I don't have anything better.

The first chapter is already out.

I already had ideas for the sequel but simply didn't have the motivation to actually write it, and I also had (and still have) some difficulties with some ideas regarding the other characters. Why? Because NRS sucks so bad it hurts my brain and characters disappear or appear out of the blue for no reason in their bloody story - pun intended!
And also because that silly story of mine already made a huge change by getting rid of Kotal in favor of Mileena, so pretty much 50% of the plot of MK11 needed to be changed somehow for that fanfic of mine.
Fuck me.

I recently got the desire to finally write the sequel and thus spent a whole fucking week watching MK-related videos to get better ideas to know where I was heading towards with most characters and almost every time a new idea came up, I realised I'd have to change stuff from the MK11 story to have a somewhat complete story that isn't too frustrating and full of plot holes.
It'll probably still be a frustrating story with some plot holes because me.

So that new story is going to be longer than I thought and wanted, and I'm going to suffer to write dialogues and "new" fight choreographies for every damn fight because I can't bear to try and make a really mediocre silly fanfic despite it originally being one. Nah, now I'm all about trying to make "character development", prevent "wasted potential" and end "character arcs" properly, compared to NRS.
Screw me, sonic screwdriver.

Even if it doesn't look like it, it is with pleasure that I'm finally writing this bloody sequel that some of you waited for for a while -sorry about that-.

Read, or don't do.

Anything for my Kahnum (Sorcerer Reader x Mileena)Where stories live. Discover now