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Aahh I hated that fucking Kuatan Jungle, it's scary as hell! With all those freaking leech pythons! And those crocodiles! I hate those scary reptiles!! least Reptile isn't here...he might be the worst: acid, invisibility, he's a ninja.

I think I'm near Mileena's rebel army headquarter...if I didn't take the wrong way... I just hope I won't mess this up. Wait! How am I gonna introduce myself? I mean, they will attack me for sure. Aaahh, good job stupid! And here I thought I was prepared... Oh? I think it's their camp, I mean, who would want to be live here? Rebels of course.

There were a few Tarkatan guards outside the tents, Mileena might be in one of those tents. Now that I think about it, what do Tarkatas do during their free time? It doesn't really matter tho... what does matter is that I still haven't thought of anything for my introduction. Hum...maybe I should just go straight to the point. Well not that much, just say something like "Heya! I'm not here to harm anyone, only to talk." Okay, let's try this.

(Y/N): "Heya!" aaaaannndd they are attacking me...great... "I'm not here to harm anyone, only to talk!" I tried to say while dodging.

4 Tarkatas, 2 with their blades out and 2 punching and kicking (might be the stupid ones...or the martial artists perhaps?), it seemed that all the others soldiers didn't want to interfere since they all were watching. I knocked out my opponents relatively quickly and without killing them, if I did, my "no harm" speech would have looked like a lie.

Suddenly, I felt someone throwing me on the floor. I fell on my back and, before being able to stand up, I was pushed against the ground, my wrists were held on the floor by feet. When I looked up, I saw a dark-skinned woman dressed in yellow and black: Tanya.

Tanya: "'Only to talk', you said? Tell me, how did you find us and why should we listen to you? Maybe you are Kotal's spy."

(Y/N): "I kept track of you for a while now, if I worked for Kotal Kahn, I would already have given him your location. I didn't try to attack you by surprise and nor did I try to kill any Tarkata."

Tanya: "True. Then why are you here?"

(Y/N): "I have a proposition for Mileena."

Tanya: "Oh really? What could it be?" A man in a purple outfit came: Rain, a prince of Edenia I think.

Rain: "Why isn't he already dead, Tanya?"

(Y/N): "I have a proposition for Mileena."

Tanya: "And he is quite handsome and funny too."

Rain: "I don't care, kill him."

Tanya: "I don't know, maybe we should wait for Mileena's return, she could be interested." So Mileena isn't here.

(Y/N): "Come on dude! Between two handsome men we should understand each other, shouldn't we? I can help taking down Kotal Kahn."

Tanya: "Really? How so? You may be a good fighter -still need to prove that though- but I'm not sure you could beat Kotal nor be a great help." She said as she leaned closer to my face. I then heard another female voice call for her.

Mileena: "Tanya! Explain what is all this." There she is!

Tanya: "We, I mean I captured this man after he knocked out 4 of our Tarkata." Tanya let go of me and stood up, I did the same, dusting off my clothes. "He said that he wanted to talk, that he could help us against Kotal."

Mileena eyed me a little before going into a tent, signing us to follow her in there. I was a little nervous, looking at Tanya and Rain who were both silent. Tanya had a little smile, I think she was impatient to see if I could get away alive while Rain was...wasn't... I dunno, that guy was wearing a mask so I couldn't tell if he was smiling too. I doubt he was.

Mileena: "So, who are you exactly?"

(Y/N): "I am (Y/N), I am a sorcerer."

Mileena: "I know 2 sorcerers, one dead and the other soon to be, I think. Tell me what makes you different, freshmeat? Why should I trust you?"

(Y/N): "I can give you everything you want, from the little things to the thing you desire the most."

Mileena: "And what do I desire most?"

(Y/N): "Vengeance, of course! And the throne of Outworld, that's a '2 birds with 1 stone' goal. Since Ko'atal is the actual Kahn of Outworld and he betrayed you, not only him but also the others like Ermac and Reptile, you want revenge. You want to make them pay for betraying you and, of course, you want to take the power and finally become your father's worthy successor."

Mileena: "Indeed...and what do you gain, exactly?"

(Y/N): "You as my empress and wife." I heard Tanya snicker. "But of course, you would be the one to rule your people while I would only give you some advice and help you relax."

Mileena: "Oh really? How cute. You would like to live with this?!" She removed her mask, revealing her large tarkatan teeth.

(Y/N): "I know you always wanted to look like your sister and I can help with that." I used my magic to turn Mileena's tarkatan teeth into normal ones, shocking the two Edenians. She touched her mouth, surprised about how it felt. "Of course tarkatan's teeth are deadly and very useful in a fight, so I can let you use them during your fights while having a normal mouth in your everyday life. When I said I could give you everything, I meant it. But if you don't want my help..." I made a move with my hand and Mileena's teeth returned to tarkatan's sharp ones.

Mileena: "Ummm..." She was pacing up and down a little, thinking, while Tanya and Rain remained quiet, which surprised me a little. "You sure know me very well."

(Y/N): "And I would love to know more of that body of yours."

Mileena: "Hum! Pretty daring, I see. You aren't afraid to say such things to a deadly woman."

(Y/N): "I would have never dared to come here without preparing everything. You would have wanted me dead." She seemed to consider my proposition, it felt off that nor Rain or Tanya had tried to talk yet, maybe they didn't want to interrupt? "So? Do we have a deal?"

Mileena: "Only on two conditions: 1) You'll have to prove me you are strong enough to rule with me. 2) I will only marry you if you give me my revenge and if you don't betray me."

(Y/N): "I would never betray you."

Mileena: "Then, it's a deal."

(Y/N): "May I ask something, my Kahnum?"

Mileena: "Mmm...since you call me 'Kahnum', I would gladly hear your question."

(Y/N): "Just in case, do you mind if I flirt a little?"

Mileena: "As long as you keep your promise, no, I don't." She then exited the tent with the others.

(Y/N): "Welp, that went pretty good. I just have to prove my strenght and then I could give her advices and all."

3rd PoV

As Mileena was walking away, Tanya and Rain followed her.

Rain: "I don't trust him."

Tanya: "I like him."

Rain: "Why did you accept his proposition, Mileena?

Mileena: "If his magic is as useful as he claims, then he could be helpful."

Tanya: "So, you agree to marry him?" She smirked.

Mileena: "It doesn't matter to me for the moment, I will see that later. I could still kill him if I ever wish to. Time will tell."

They stopped when Mileena told the Tarkatas to not attack (Y/N) in the future unless she orders it. Rain wasn't fond of him since his arrival could change Rain's plan: "I'll have to take him down."

Anything for my Kahnum (Sorcerer Reader x Mileena)Where stories live. Discover now