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I was in the main tent, there was only Mileena, Tanya and Rain since the Tarkatas aren't really strategist, they only obey. It is especially true now that Baraka is dead.

(Y/N): "First off, do you have a plan to take down Kotal Khan? 'Cause I definitely don't. Not right now."

Mileena: "You were supposed to have a plan, weren't you?"

Rain: "I told you we shouldn't have let him live, he is useless."

(Y/N): "Hey! You are the ones wanting to take Kotal's life and you don't have any plan?" I said pointing at them but especially at Rain.

Tanya: "We do actually." I looked at her, her confident smile never fading away. "Paying Kano to kill Kotal Khan, he would pretend that he is willing to sell our location for a great deal of gold, like the mercenary he is. In case he can't kill him, we would ambush and murder Kotal ourselves."

(Y/N): "That...actually could work. But it is risky, like most plans. If it fails, we could die." I looked at Mileena. "But I don't have a better plan for now so we should do that."

Mileena: "You said you wouldn't have come here without preparing everything but you didn't think of a plan to help me. I am disappointed, looks like you aren't a great help." I looked down as silence entered the room, after a few seconds I looked at Mileena in the eyes.

(Y/N): "May I say something?" She nodded while closing her eyes "If the plan 'Kano' fails, I will come up with a way to beat Kotal Khan. I am a cunning sorcerer, just like Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. I know what we should do and what we shouldn't. I have a first advice to give, you won't like it at all but still, you should consider it." They all seemed curious about what it could be.

Mileena: "Talk, I won't bite."

(Y/N): "I'm not so sure." I took a breath "Don't harm Earthrealm." As I thought, Mileena looked pissed off. "Earthrealm can be a good ally."

Mileena: "I won't help nor join those who killed my father, Shao Kahn!" I slamed my hands on the table.

(Y/N): "See! That's exactly why you were deposed, why Kotal and the others betrayed you! You are too impetuous! Your thirst for vengeance blinds you and will cause your death!" There was a moment of silence but I could clearly see Mileena getting more pissed.

Mileena: "Despite all that, I don't get your point. Why would I need their help?"

(Y/N): "The Netherrealm."

Mileena: "What?"

(Y/N): "Quan Chi has the best fighter and your sister."

Mileena: "Were you refering to Liu Kang?" I nodded.

(Y/N): "He kicked Ermac's ass. He beat Scorpion AND Quan Chi at the same time. He took on Goro and then Shang Tsung. He defeated your father. The great Shao Kahn who didn't even bother fighting since Shang was enough and when the Great Kung Lao beat Shang, Goro was enough. Yet, he still get his ass own by the same Shaolin Monk who kicked the others' ass, and it wasn't luck. I think he could even beat Shinnok himself. I don't know if Liu Kang is weakened now that he is under Quan Chi's control but he still can be trouble." Mileena looked even more angry than before, probably because of what I said about her father.

Mileena: "So..." it looked like she was trying to calm down, "you think Quan Chi could attack us?"

(Y/N): "Could happen. If ever Earthrealm is in danger, they would like some help and if we do help them, we will gain their trust and they will owe us one. That would be useful in the future and you would have redeemed yourself for that time when you refused to align Outworld with Earthrealm against Netherrealm's attack many years ago."

Mileena: "I don't like this..."

Tanya: "Yet, he is right. If we help Earthrealm, they might help us restore Edenia and maybe even help if someone wants to depose you again."

Mileena: "Fine!" She turned to me "We will try to make them our allies, but if it doesn't work, I will rip out their throats!"

Tanya: "Then we have to make sure they become our allies, but how?" I thought for a second.

(Y/N): "Kano. Kano is the key. Whether or not he accomplishes his task, we could sell him to the Special Forces, after all, the General Sonya Blade hates him and wants him captured dead or alive."

Tanya: "You are more vicious than I thought." She said grinning at me.

Mileena: "Fine then, let's tell Kano about our plan." We all nodded.

I actually thought Mileena would have killed me after my remarks but it went pretty well. She told Tanya and Rain to inform Kano about the plan while I stayed with her. I just smiled at her, she looked away, not really embarassed but I think more angry that she actually agreed to my idea about making Earthrealm our ally. She turned around, not wanting to look at me.

Mileena: "I will give you a chance and listen to your advices, including those I hate. I am trusting you, (Y/N). Do not disappoint me."

With that, she left.

Anything for my Kahnum (Sorcerer Reader x Mileena)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz