Double Trouble

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I was meditating in the airship, mumbling mantra-like words so I could regain as much strength as I could before the upcoming battle.

Tanya, Mileena and 6 Tarkatas were here aswell. The Earthrealm Team is in the cockpit, piloting. The door leading to the cockpit was closed.

Through the intercom, we heard Johnny Cage's daughter speak, she told us that we would land in about fifteen minutes to enter the Sky Temple from the terrestrial entrance.

Mileena: "Land? Why not go straight there? I thought Earthrealm's technology was more efficient." She exclaimed, looking at me.

(Y/N): "I heard the Sky Temple was slightly out of phase from our reality. If that's true, then we can't enter it with this aircraft."

I resumed my meditation but was interrupted when Jacqui Briggs told us to buckle up because she needed to put the aircraft down. Once we landed, I stood up and went to open the cockpit's door.

(Y/N): "Why did we land so early? Didn't you say 'fifteen minutes'?"

Kung Jin: "Something happened to the sky and a shockwave hit us."

We headed outside.

Mileena: "So? What happened?"

(Y/N): "A shockwave apparently hit us, forcing us to land." Looking at the reddish sky, I understood. "I think that Shinnok corrupted the Jinsei: Earthrealm's life force."

Mileena: "Is it too late to beat him?"

(Y/N): "I don't know...I think and hope not."

We heard the blond girl swear before she informed us that we were grounded, that the shockwave fried the leads, meaning that we could only continue on foot. Tanya glanced at me.

Tanya: "Can't you make a portal near the terrestrial entrance?"

(Y/N): "I'm not sure what could happen if I were to create a portal close the terrestrial entrance, especially now that the Jinsei seems to be corrupted. I don't want to risk it." Everyone nodded and we made our way to the Sky Temple.



We stopped at the entrance.

Cassie: "We should try to avoid conflict with the Revenants and directly head to the Jinsei Chamber and defeat Shinnok."

Tanya: "Easier said than done. I think a group should take care of the Revenants so the other group isn't bothered by them while fighting Shinnok, battling an Elder God is difficult enough." Takeda turned towards Kung Jin.

Takeda: "Do you know a way to enter the Jinsei Chamber without being spotted?"

Kung Jin: "No, sorry." I glanced at the blond girl.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, what's your name again? Chloe?"

Cassie: "Cassie." She sounded annoyed, I couldn't blame her.

(Y/N): "Right. Guess it stands for Cassandra." I gazed back at Mileena, silently asking her permission to tell my freshly-made plan, she gave me a slight nod and I cleared my throat. "So, hum, like Tanya said, having two groups would be better. Me, Mileena, Tanya and the Tarkatas will handle the Revenants while you will directly go in the Chamber. I think D'Vorah will remain in the chamber with Shinnok so be careful. What's important is that Cassie fights Shinnok, she may be able to defeat him just like her father did. It would be even better if she receives help to take down Shinnok but the minimum is that she faces him."

Cassie: "Are you sure you'll be able to handle them?"

(Y/N): "I'd rather this than fighting an Elder God, to be honest." I smiled.

Anything for my Kahnum (Sorcerer Reader x Mileena)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin