Bridge Between Bloodlines

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"So, General-in-training." He seemed to slur his voice. The High General was no longer smiling but looked absolutely serious and slightly curious. Quin had been trying to not to eye the two large blasters attached to his belt, inches away from his hand. "Where were your transferred from?"

She had dreaded this question since she got on board. In a desperate attempt to push the subject away she decided to answer his question with her own question. "Oh, far from here. But that's old, boring news. How about you?"

She gave him a small smile then looked straight ahead remembering that no seemed to smile on this ship. "My father was the High General of his own fleet and when his time came to an end, I was given his fleet." He said proudly.

Quin's heart raced in fear. She was curious to know what he had meant by, 'when his time came to an end'. A dozen different scenario's of what might've happened to the High General's father played in her head. "Wow. Wish I had a heritage like that." She gave a small smirk knowing she probably had way more heritage than he did. 

She and her brother were the bridge between the Skywalker and Palpatine bloodlines. "Your quarters." Jern said gesturing to a metal door with the Phantom symbol painted on the front in fiery red.

"Thanks." She dropped her head so to not meet his eyes and headed straight inside the room. She gave a sigh of relief when the door shut behind her. The room was simple, with black walls and black and red banners decorating the room. One wall, behind her single bed, was made completely out of glass. Through it she could see the space outside and the small fighter ships circling the large ship.

The fighters were called Tri-defenders and they were lightning fast that they seemed to be only blurs of black and red in the starry sky. 

A knock on the door made her spin around as the door re-opened and two Phantom Guards walked in

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A knock on the door made her spin around as the door re-opened and two Phantom Guards walked in. They looked very different from the emotionless, tense guards she had seen so far. In fact the two looked panicked. "Can I help you?" She asked.

The smallest of the two guards took off his helmet and she froze. "Reuven?" She knew she shouldn't be surprised. She knew the Rebellion had the map to the Phantom fleet, but she expected them to do a full aerial attack not try and infiltrate it like she had. She also didn't expect Reuven to be sent with...

"Who's that?" She pointed at the other guard.

"Harrison." Reuven said and watched his sisters surprise wash away and instead she glared at the tall Rebel.  

"I'd say it was good to see you but then I'd be lying." She growled at Harrison but with his face still covered by the mask it was impossible to read his emotions. "What are you two doing here?"

"What are we doing here? What are you doing here?" Reuven walked closer to her and the energy of the room became quite negative.

"Getting my Dad. Now answer my question." She demanded.

"Oh, I'm here on vacation." He said sarcastically giving an over the top 'everything's fine' smile. "Why do you think I'm here? I'm here to get the Phantom plans."

"Oh so all the sudden you're helping the Rebels. What happened to the whole 'normal life' phase?" She crossed her arms annoyed. The action seemed to make the teenager look a little younger than she actually was. "Were you even planning on saving our father?" She continued.

"Yes I was actually-" She scoffed as he tried defending himself.

"Yeah right. And why would you do that?"

"Because I knew that if I didn't do it, you would." He pointed a finger at her. "And here you are-"

"Because you left me! What did you expect me to do? Just wait there until you came back for me?" The two dark haired siblings looked like they were about to rip each others throats out before Harrison intervened.

"Neither of you can be trusted-" He began but they both glared at him.

"SHUT UP!" They yelled at the same time causing him to flinch.


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

High General Koraben stood alone in her chambers. Her black eyes staring out into space and she stood impossibly still. It was almost as if he soul had left her body as if it was only a shell. But then anger burning inside and she had to let it out. Thrusting her hands, the bookshelf that had been so perfectly organized smashed into the wall. Bits of woods and book sprayed across the ground.

But she wasn't done yet her spare hand went to her belt and pulled out her lightsaber. She remembered constructing it. It was one of a kind and she had always treasured it but now she smashed the button activating it. The blade was not like other lightsabers, although it had the normal blade setting she usually found it more comforting in its other setting. The red streak of light came out and then fell to the ground. Coiling like a burning snake.

Throwing her hand in the direction of her desk she watched as the blade, like a whip, sliced right through it with ease. It ripped through the banners and papers she had yet to sign, not that it would matter anymore. Jern was now in charge of her fleet.

She heard the electrical 'shink' as the lightsabers blade sheathed itself. She barely noticed her ruined room. Instead she headed straight out the door, both hands clenched into fists.

 Instead she headed straight out the door, both hands clenched into fists

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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