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Ben struggled against the wind, the sand flung into his eyes and his body was soar all over. He'd been walking for what felt like hours, unsure whether or not he was going the right way.

Fatigue rested over him like heavy chains trying to pull him to the ground and keep him there under there weight. He fought against them, not allowing himself to give up. "Ben." He looked up through the sandy mist at the sound of a familiar whisper. "Ben."

It echoed slightly but he knew it was her, she was close, yet he could sense how weak she was and the pain she was suffering. He stumbled more but pushed harder than before. "Rey!" He spoke clearly yet didn't yell.

But she didn't respond, it was almost as if the invisible tether between them had thinned and was hardly there at all.

That's when he saw it. A shape lying on the ground. "Rey." He held up his hand and closed his eyes. The sand around him suddenly slowed and moved aside leaving a small circle of still clear space. He ran to her and skidded to a stop at her side. The dirt and sand around her was soaked with blood and her eyes looked dazed and tired.

"Ben..." she mumbled as he lifted her onto his lap.

"Save your strength." He tried to pick her up but she stopped him putting her hand to his face. He looked down at her, his black eyes met her chocolate ones. "Promise me... that you'll take care of them."

She moved her weak arms in them were two small babies wrapped up in cloth ripped from her own clothes. "They're beautiful, just like you." He smiled at them before looking at Rey. But her face had gone dazed and her eyes... lifeless. 

He traced his hand once more around her petite face. He looked at her, he couldn't loose her again. No, he couldn't. He breathed slowly, trying to once again give her his life force as he had done on Korriban. 

He felt himself getting weaker but suddenly he flinched as a blasters later zoomed right past his face. He fell back in surprise and looked up to see Fin. The sandstorm had stopped, showing a small fighter in the distance. Fin walked forward and nearly dropped his blaster when saw Rey lying on the ground, motionless the two babies still in her arms.

"Rey." He looked down in sadness and mourning. He looked at the babies then at Kylo. "This is your fault." Ben crouched on the ground looking down not letting himself cry in front of Fin.

He looked up to see fin holding both babies in his arms, his face wasn't kind but in fact full of hate for the newly born offspring. "No." Kylo began trying to get up but Fin fired the blaster again  this time it hit his leg sending him crumbling to the ground in pain.

Fin quickly got into the fighter. He was no expert pilot but he'd taken a few lessons and mental notes from Poe. He flew off quickly to further away in Pasaana. There was a large mountain he landed on and climbed out. He looked out at the endless sand, then yelled letting out all his anger.

Walking back to the fighter he took out his blaster and pointed it at one of the twins. He put him finger on the trigger and pointed it at the twins. His hands trembled as he tried to fire the blaster, but something inside him stopped him. 

A tiny voice in the back of his head convinced him to lower it. "Damn it." He muttered looking at his x-wing and then in the distance.  Quickly, he boarded the aircraft, looking behind him at the babies in the back.

He took off into the sky and past the planets atmosphere.

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