May 7th 2015

22 0 6

Song: Turning Out by AJR 

Many thanks to my brother who is obsessed with AJR and introduced me to this song. It's really pretty I promise. If you listen to it and read this chapter, You will cry (if your a feelsy person) Sorry about the slow update. I have this book thats just a bunch of random crap. Kind of like a journal for me thats published to the world. I've been posting a LOT in that XD. Anyway, it has 1.2K views now and you have no idea how happy that makes me. If you read it, thanks for making my day. If you don't read it but are reading this, you still make my day. It makes me feel good when I see that actual people enjoy what I write when I think its crap. Anyway, you are all fricken amazing. Now to the story. 

Sure enough, the next day sucked. Not just because I was more nervous around Kyle then Marinette is around Adrian. 

"On the bright side." I told myself. "This day is better then any day was last month." yay Diana. Thinking on the bright side! Thats what normal people do right? 

I actually avoided Kyle as much as I could. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings. What if he's going to hold a grudge against me?? What if he ignores me for the rest of his life?? What if he joins Sapphire?? The thought terrify's me. 

Sometimes at school, I can find ways to sneak in things that don't apply to uniform. Cause I'm rebellious that way. Today, I was able to sneak in purple cat socks and a cat necklace that my mom gave me for my 12th birthday. I liked them a lot and wore them most of the time. The little cats on my socks were adorable and sometimes in class, I would look down at my socks and pretend that the cats on my socks were real. That is what normal kids do right? 

Usually, kids don't notice. Which is a good thing. But today, someone did notice. I was talking to Izzy and Amore when I heard kids snickering. I look to the direction to see what was going on and I saw a group of kids pointing at me and laughing. I noticed that a tiny section of them was sticking out so they could see the cats. I tried ignoring them but that didn't do much. Everywhere I went, laughter followed.

Before I knew it, I was covering my face with my hair while kids comments swarmed my head. "OH MY GOSH DIANA IS SO CHILDISH!" "Purple? Who likes the color purple anymore? She looks like a six year old!" "Cats??? Oh my gosh!!! Cats! Did anyone ever tell that girl to wake up from being a three year old?" Laughter. Smirks. Words. All of those words put together can do horrible destruction. Izzy and Amore glared at the kids and helped. Amore was ready to physically fight them. But I didn't want her to get in trouble so she didn't. 

I couldn't handle it anymore. I bolted for behind the school by the dumpsters. Where I belonged. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't see straight. I fell next to the dumpster and sobbed. I couldn't go much longer with this. No one knew. No one could understand. I looked down at my socks and necklace. I angrily tore the necklace off my neck. They were right. I am a kid. Thats all I'll ever be. A stupid. Worthless. Kid. 

I was about to throw the necklace into the dumpster when I realized where it came from. I tumbled back to the ground and sobbed more. I screamed. "I'm sorry mom. I let you down." I say under my breath. 

Then I heard something. It came from the inside of the dumpster. It sounded like a shuffling noise. I look inside and see a familiar silhouette. "H-Hello?" I ask trying to make it look like I wasn't crying. The light hits the person who was inside and I immediately started panicking. Kyle. One of my closest friends. Was laying at the bottom of the dumpster. He was paler then ever and had a nasty gash on the side of his head. He was crying. I couldn't bear to see him like this. 

"K-Kyle!" I sniff. "L-Let m-me h-h-help y-you." Thats another thing I do. When I'm scared or sad. I shudder. I put my hand inside and He grabs it. But weakly. I was able to get him out but he looks terrible. His skin is as pale as powdered milk and his eyes look sunken. His clothes literally hang off of him and the gash on his head seems to be the only bright color on his whole feature. He looks half unconscious. 

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