April 4 2015

17 1 5

Song: Hurts Like Hell. 

Okay this song is clean. I had my mom listen to the song and she said the tittle is just a metaphor. Its not the swear word. Plus the lyrics are clean. I've listened to it a thousand times and its super pretty. Also, I totally forgot that Diana was in a wheelchair! Lets just pretend that she's healed already because hey, I'm stupid. Plus I know nothing about hospitals and medical stuff. I'll do my best from now on. Also, in the last chapter when Keith said that Diana was cute. He was not flirting. Diana is just a smol bean. 

Hi guys. I'm getting two entries today because I have a lot of free time right now at the hospital. But I'll get to that later. 

The day was going great until I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. I answered it. "Hello?" My dads voice responded. I smiled. He hadn't called me in forever. "Hey sweetie. Can you come to the hospital? Your mother is...." "Awake??" I ask hopefully. He paused for a second. "Just come over and you'll see." Then without a word, he hung up. 

Panic rose in my chest. But instead of showing it, I casually told my friends I had to go. Keith offered to drive me there but I decided I needed the exercise so I walked. The hospital is a few blocks from the mall so it wasn't that far. 

The setting sun made the sky glow bright pinks and purples and oranges. It was beautiful. It made me feel calm. Like everything was going to be okay. My mom was going to wake up. My dad would start living at the house again. And we'd be one happy family again. 

Of course, this is me were talking about. That was not the case. 

It was dark when I got to the hospital and when I walked in, my dad was standing there. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug. He hugged me for about two seconds but seemed distracted. "Follow me." He said. I followed him down countless hallways and rooms when we came to a certain room. My mothers room.

"Your mother... She's awake. But she wont last for much longer." My brain couldn't process those words. My mom? Leaving? To go where? What was she doing? Suddenly, the answer to all of those questions hit me like a ton of bricks. My mother was dying.

"Can I go see her?" I ask. My voice shaking. "Yes. But only for a few minutes. The doctors are doing everything they can to keep her alive for as long as possible." His words had no emotion. It was like he just had his soul sucked out of him. I walked into my mothers room and there she was. Very pale and very thin. 

"Hey mom." I say. My voice shaking. She gives a very small smile. "Hey sweetie. Come here." My mothers hair is chocolate brown. With dark blue eyes that always stood out. But now, they just seemed faded and cloudy. 

I walk forward and take her hand. Its very cold. "I want you to know how much I love you. And that even when I'm gone, I will always be with you. No matter what." Her voice is a whisper and sounds forced. I start to cry. "Why do you have to go?" I ask. Tears streaming down my face. "We are all put here on earth for a reason. And we are all taken away from it for a reason. Its never a coincidence. Understand that for me okay?" 

I nod. "But what if I can't do it? What your not here with me?" "Oh sweetheart. I'll always be with you. And if anything gets in my way, it will have a taste of what an angry mother is like." My mom. Even on the door of death she is still as sarcastic as ever. "Just promise me. Promise me. You will move on. Even without me, you are still one of the smartest, creative, beautiful girls I know. And promise me you'll remember me. Never forget what it was like before the crash." 

I nod again and hug my mom. A few seconds later, a doctor comes in and says its time for me to go back with my dad. That would be the last time I ever talked to my mother. And I will keep my promise. That is something I'll never break. 

Its time for us to go home. 


I'm not crying your crying!! *grabs tissues* *eats chocolate ice cream* *wraps up into a blanket and becomes a burrito of sadness* 

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