A Poem

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Hi guys. No music for this chapter. So this chapter is a poem that someone (i don't know who yet) will give to Diana in the future. She puts it in her journal. I just feel like I needed to share this now. The actual author of this poem is definitely not me. Its my friend who's fake name shall be Duchess. She's amazing in every way and everyone needs to hear this poem at one point in their life. Share this. Share it with everyone you know (if you can.) Its just so beautiful. The Poem is called Glass. 


A glass cup sits on the edge of the table.

Filled with as much water as it is able. 

If bumped it may spill a little here or there. 

But if knocked too hard on the ground the pieces fly everywhere. 

Broken and empty the cup lays on the floor

Waiting to be whole as it was before

But not wanting to cut or harm it stays out of view

And wants to hide its broken part too

Because you would surely be judged if they saw the cracks

The cup only sees what he lacks

Everyone else is surely happy. 

I don't mean to make this poem sappy. 

But like the cup we sometimes feel inferior 

And see everyone else as superior

We want to be fixed but we are scared. 

I want to tell you this, so you are prepared. 

You are loved, wanted, and important although you might be frightened

It's a good time to let the light in.

I promise you'll make it through. 

So, take my hand I'll lead you. 

You may want to give up. 

But I know to have the ability to rise up. 

Stay strong. 

I swear I would never tell you wrong. 

I will pick you up little broken cup. 

I will mend your cracks. 

Make you intact. 

You see in broken cracks too. 

I felt so alone till I met you. 

Glass won't cut is carefully cleaned up. 

If not its bad for both of us little cup. 

You see when you are stepped on

The shield blocking my view will be gone.

At that point you will be beyond repair. 

And the scars you left on me will always be there. 

I tell you this and ask you to stay. 

I'm here to help we'll find a way. 

 I couldn't stand saying goodbye. 

Your'e not alone I'm here if you want to cry.

We'll see this pain this hurt in the past. 

Then my little cup you and I will be whole again at last. 

Please. Copy and paste this on your bords or something. I'm trying to spread this poem like wildfire. I promise this poem is true. It's true for every single one of you and I say this from the bottom of my heart. I'm not saying it to get more followers or readers. I'm saying to let you know that you are not alone. Not even one of you. I want to leave you off on a good note so Have a good day Wattpaders!! ^^ 

(By the way, the part where it says "You will be beyond repair" I asked Duchess about this and she said it means if you die. Just so your not confused) 

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