March 22 2015

24 2 7

Song: Undo Nightcore version (I couldn't find a good one of the original) by Sanna Nielsen

Today was a bit better. Me and my family are still in the Hospital. I was told I'm going to have to use a wheelchair for a few months and that I should be better by next week. Amore, Sapphire, and Izzy came and visited me today. Which was nice except for the fact that they dropped by my AP and Physics homework. (Your welcome Diana. :) ~Amore) 

But one thought kept racing in my mind. "What about my headphones??!?" Just thinking about them made me stressed. I felt like I was going to throw up whenever I thought of that. I looked over on the desk where they sat. One of the wires was torn and only the left earbud worked. The right one just made a jingling sound. Other then that, they still worked fine. Except that I couldn't listen to music in its full power. 

Now, I would have to go back to phase one. Before I got the earbuds for my birthday two years ago, I would resort to a stuffed Lamb that I named Flora. Her fur was soft and fluffy and petting it always made my emotions go back to the way they were. There was just one problem with that. I'm in high school. If Ava even saw me holding that lamb in the girls bathroom... I would be dead. 

I've seen it happen before. One time, this boy in my seventh grade class was caught wearing a unicorn backpack. Slowly the rumor spread. And the rumor starters made his life a living hell. No one wanted to be his friend so I volunteered. I asked him why he wore the backpack because I noticed it was only that day. He explained to me how it was his little sister's old backpack and he had to use it because his broke. So his mom said that he had to choose between carrying all of his books to school, or the unicorn backpack till she bought a new one. 

After that, I hung out with him. But that didn't stop the bullies. A few months later, he just dissapeared. Out of nowhere. I don't know what happened to this day but my guess is he asked his mom to see if he could switch schools. 

So if anyone even caught me holding that stuffed lamb, I would be dead. Ava would spread rumors and everyone wouldn't want to be my friend. Izzy, Sapphire and Amore might not want to be my friends anymore!! (Don't say that Diana! I'm your girl for life! I would never ditch you because of a stuffed lamb. Whatever make you happy, I'm happy. :D ~Amore) 

And what about my parents?? Mom still isn't awake yet. My dad is worried sick and spends most of his time in mom's room. The only company I get is my friends, and sometimes my cousin Country. But I'm trying not to worry too much. If I worry about all of the what if's, and they don't happen and everything turns out okay.. Then I did all that worrying for nothing. I'm very grateful that I'm still alive and so are my parents. 

By now, I'm inching to get out of this Hospital. 


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