April 1 2015

16 1 1

Song: Fairly Local by Twenty One Pilots. There are gonna be quite a few Twenty One Pilots songs in here by the way. And depressing songs. I chose this song for this chapter because I feel like Diana doesn't know what to do anymore. She was just betrayed by her own friend and caught her saying.... horrible things doesn't even describe how offensive it was. This song kinda describes two different point of views. Evil and Good. I feel like Diana doesn't know if she's evil... Or good. On that happy note..

Hi guys. Happy April fools day I guess. I practically destroyed my room last night. But who would care? My dad practically lives at the Hospital now. I can't blame him. But could he just come home for a little bit? Amore and Izzy came and visited last night. When they walked in and saw photos shredded to pieces and whole walls of old pictures and memory's on the floor. Tossed there like they were meaningless. Which they were.

Izzy came and sat next to me. Amore stood in the corner. Analyzing a shredded up piece of some photo. The white piece of paper almost blended in with her bright pink and light blue high finger less gloves. Amore then punched the nearest stuffed animal. Then looked at me. "Um... Sorry. I needed to get some anger out." I give her a tiny smile to tell her she's all good. 

Izzy had an arm around my shoulder. "Sapphire was just a big jerk in the first place. Don't let her words get to you. We love you and we'd never side with Ava." "Thanks Izz. But.... I dunno. I guess.. What Sapphire said. It made me question myself. Am I really a bad person?" "Hey." Amore said soothingly. She put a hand on mine. Dispite her intimidating appearance, the career she wanted to pursue was a professional therapist. So it was always nice to talk to her because she listens. 

"Your not a bad person. You are one of the nicest, most loving, most amazing person I've ever known." That made me smile. "Yeah." Izzy agreed. "Whoever thinks that your evil needs to find their way to Hell!!" I'd never expect Izzy to say that considering that she's practically the princess of cinnamon rolls. 

"Thanks guys." "Now." Amore came and sat on the other side of me. "Tell us what's been going on." "What do you mean?" "You show up to school in a wheelchair, your parents are nowhere to be seen, and all you say about it is that you got in a car crash. We need to know whats going on so we can help." 

I look down and don't say anything. "Come on Diana." Izzy says. "You can trust us. We just want to help." "M-My mom..." It was silent. I took a deep breath and bit the inside of my mouth to keep from tears to flow out of my eyes. "Shes.... Shes in a coma.." The mouth biting didn't work. First, one tear fell. Then another. And they wouldn't stop. My friends hugged me on both sides. "I have a feeling this will all work out." "But what if it-" "No what if's." Izzy says. "That will make it worse." 

"C-Can you guys sleep over here tonight? My dad is at the hospital with mom and he probably won't be home. I've been getting lonely over here." Amore nods. "Yeah. I'll call my parents." 

They ended up staying the night. Even without stuff. This was the most calm that I'd felt all week. Now that my friends are with me, I know I'll be okay. 


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