March 30 2015

25 1 10

Song: Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan 

Hi guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't written in a while. Amore can't come to the hospital every day. But I have good news and bad news. Good news! I'm out of the hospital and can write myself now because I'm right handed. Bad news, my mom is still in a coma. Oh and triple bad news. I have to go back to school now. 

It was my first day back in a while. And when all the "cool kids" saw Amore pushing me in a wheelchair, all I could hear was the silent laughter of other boys and girls. I had to leave my headphones at home. I think I can fix them. But I couldn't do it when I woke up this morning. I had to make myself breakfast, re pack all my stuff, and take a shower. Fortunately, Amore came over to help. My dad is still at the Hospital with mom. 

I try to make myself invisible. But the only thing that I seemed to hear was the silent laughter and whispers of other kids. Amore pats my shoulder softly and then gives the kids behind us her famous 'If you keep that up you wont wake up tomorrow' look. That is why she's my friend. Izzy and Sapphire trail behind us. When we arrive at the library (which is where we usually hang out before the first bell rings) I notice that Sapphire isn't with us. 

"She'll probably meet us here soon." Amore says. "Yeah. She goes off on her own a lot when were at home." Izzy guarantees me. I nod. Izzy agreed to tag along with me to all my classes. She got permission from the Principal to accompany me because I can't push myself in my wheelchair yet. Sapphire never arrives and me and Izzy head to class. 

During my last period, (art) We had a free period to do anything that involved art. I was drawing and Izzy kept looking at my wheelchair. "What?" I finally ask. She grins. "I think your wheelchair needs some decoration." She grins and when Izzy grins, its never a good sign. "Is this a rental or can you keep it permanently?" I nod. "Yeah this one I can keep. My dad figured it would be a good idea." "Okay. I'm going to get some paint and glitter. Be right back!" "Izzy wai-" Too late. She was gone. When she came back, she had purple and green paint and glitter. With some stickers too. 

"Lets get started!" A few minutes later, my wheelchair went from black and grey, to purple and green sparkly fabulousness. The left arm rest was painted green and purple stripes while the right one was polka dotted. The handles had the same design except they were covered in glitter. 

I laughed. "It looks perfect!" After school ended me and Amore, and Izzy were walking out to meet Sapphire. Well, I was rolling. 

Good news, we found her. Bad news. She was talking trash about me to Ava. "I know right! She's so stupid and gullible that I actually managed to gain her trust! She's such a dork!" Thoes exact words came out of Sapphire's mouth. "Thanks for being my little spy Sapphire. Now that I know that she's in a wheelchair AND a stupid mental retard she'll be easier to manipulate now!" 

I felt like someone had just stabbed me with a knife. My eyes blurred with tears. Amore's fists were clenched and through gritted teeth she said "That backstabbing traitor!" Izzy put a hand on my shoulder. "Lets go. I don't know how much longer I can look at that." Amore pushed me home. I was starring into space. "Stupid mental retard."  thoes words rang in my head. The first thing I did when I got home, was rip up and destroy and picture of Sapphire I had. 


A/N: Learn from this chapter. Just like Sapphire and Ava, people always judge an autistic person. Don't be rude. All they want is a friend. They are always so sweet and amazing people. One of the reasons I'm writing this book is to teach people out there that everyone has feelings. Just remember Diana. All she wants is a good friend. Be that friend.

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