April 4 2015

37 1 28

Song: You Don't Know my Katelyn Tarver. 

I literally just found this song today and Its so pretty!!! Plus, it matches the chapter really well... *evil smirk* Hey, you knew this book was going to be depressing once you started it. #SorryNotSorry #YOLO #IAmSoEvil 

Okay. Enough with the hashtags. *cups hands around mouth like a microphone* ALL ABORD THE FEELS TRAIN!!! *makes train noises* Seriously though folks. Grab the tissues and the chocolate cause this chapter is full of feels. *stands on chair and points to a random direction* *in a fancy voice* ONWARD MY FRIENDS!!! TO THE CHAPTER!! *falls off chair* *thumbs up* I'm okay!!

Yesterday. Sucked.

Like. A lot. 

It was filled with a lot of hospital bills, tear filled eyes, and hours and hours of waiting. My moms last words rang in my ears. "Promise me you'll remember me. Never forget what it was like before the crash." 

Today gave me a lot of time to think. About what it would be like when we got home, what my friends would do once I told them about my mom, and most of all, would my dad change? 

I must have fallen asleep because around midnight, my dad came and woke me up. He drove me home and I instantly crashed once my pillow hit my soft pillows. I woke up the next morning around twelve in the afternoon. It was a Sunday. I stayed in my pajamas for the whole day and mostly hung around my house watching reruns of my favorite cartoons. 

I picked up my phone and unlocked it. I don't know how long I stared at it. Looking at the new and improved group chat with Amore, Izzy, and Kyle. Should I text them? Or should I just wait till school? I texted them. 

Hey guys. We need to talk. Meet me at the park in twenty minutes. 

After that, I showered, and didn't even bother to brush my hair. I settled on a black hoodie with cat ears on it that my parents had gotten me for my birthday, jeans, and my green sneakers. 

I searched the house for my dad to see if he was home. I didn't see him. I texted him. 

Went to the park with friends. Be back in a few.

I walked outside. Smelling the fresh spring air. It rained last night and the grass was still wet from it. Everything smelled like rain. There was a light drizzle and the clouds blocked the sun. The perfect afternoon. There was hardly anyone out there and I could hear the sound my feet made on the pavement. 

When I got to the park, Izzy, Amore, and Kyle were already there. They all looked worried and ran twored me. "What happened??? Are you okay??" I shook my head. "D-Do you remember what I told you about my mom?" "Yeah. Is she okay?" Izzy asks. Kyle looked confused. "What happened to your mom?" "Um.. Sh-She" I couldn't help it. Tears fell down my face and gathered at my chin like tiny particles then fell on the already wet grass. 

Izzy put a hand over her mouth. "Oh no. Is she......" I nod and then fall to the ground. I just couldn't take it anymore. Betrayal. Death. Crashes. Illnesses. 

It was all too much for my head. I felt like I was going to explode. Why did the world hate me. Why couldn't my life just be perfect. Of course, life wasn't perfect. One of the many lessons that I've learned. Some kids are born thinking that their life is perfect. In reality, they just think that if they re assure them self that their perfect and have everything in the world, then everything will be okay. But thats not how it works. You have to press forward and have faith in the future. 

Thats what I've been doing for years. It's what I was taught. But that was before the car crash. Before I was betrayed by me friend

And now, My life is so screwed up, I just want to give up. I can't stand it anymore if my life will go on like this. I need to find a solution to this madness. And I need to find it now. 

Kyle just stood there for a few seconds until he realized what was going on. He rushed forward and gave me a hug. "Its okay." He whispered in my ear. "I understand."

Whoa. Did I just write that? Holy crap I wrote that didn't I? 

My whole goal for this book is to try to write something you'll remember. Something that inspires you. I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't do that. 

But dannngggggg.... Thats good. Later in the future I'm going to re read this and cringe. 

More updates on the way! (hopefully)


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