I had no idea what I just wrote, but I liked it. No one knew about this habit. No one, not even Emma. The bell rang and I practically ran out the class and ran straight into Marco.

"Avery! Hey, feels like we haven't seen much of each other." Marco says and I laugh, "We saw each other just yesterday." I point out.

"Lot's happened since yesterday. Like the fact that I'm currently single." Marco says and I gasp "Are you fucking with me right now?" I ask him.

"Nope. She dumped me. I drove her home and when she got out, she said that she was sorry and that she loved me but that we had to break up. That I shouldn't forget our promise and all this other bullshit." Marco shrugs sadly.

Even I thought that sounded cliché. Emily hardly ever said any like that. I rolled my eyes and Mraco and I coutinued to walk down the hall talking about Emily. I was never really close with Emily, so I thought it was fine. But to tell you the truth, I didn't really care.

"Well, this is my stop." I say, gesturing to my AP Biology class.

"I still can't belive you've been taking AP classes since 9th grade. You are a fucking genius." Marco says and I laugh. "You have no idea how badly I wish I were. Listen, I gotta go. But, I'll see you at lunch, okay?" I tell him and he nods "I'll see you then. I'll be the one throwing imaginary daggers at Emily's head." He says and I burst out laughing.

I hurry up into class and go staright to the back and shove my earbuds and the first song that plays is "Rock Me" by One Direction. I start humming along and pretty soon, "Jeolous" by Nick Jonas starts playing and then "The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants" by Selena Gomez. The entire period was full of different genre of songs. And the last five minutes of class, "Radio" by Lana Del Rey started playing.

I practically jumped out my seat as the bell rang and I rushed out to my locker.

"Hey, Avery!" Ryder says and I quickly walk back to him. "Hey, what's happening?" I ask him and he shrugs "Nun, did you hear about Emily and Marco?" He tells me and I nod "Yeah, I heard." I tell him and we start walking to my locker. I opened my locker and grabbed a peice of gum. "So you know that it was because of you, right?" He asks me and I choke on the peice of gum that I had just popped in. I start choking and Ryder pats my back.

"What?!" I practically scream and he nods. "Yup. Emily is blaming you about it. Saying how you've always been jeolous and always tried to flaunt that you've known Marco longer and all this other shit." Ryder says and I slam my locker in frusration. "I can't fucking belive her." I say and he nods. "It just doesn't seem like her." He points out.

"Well I don't give a living shit wheather or not it seems like her. She is a two-faced, back-stabbing b-" I say and then someone wraps their hands around my eyes. I turns around and find Dylan holding a single rose. "Aw, babe, who were you talking about?" Dylan smirks and I blush.

"Nobody important." I shrug it off.

"Hey, Ryder. Don't forget, practice is at 3:00 today not 2:40, coach said he had to do something before. Don't be late. 'Ight?" Dylan said to Ryder and he says "See yall later. I'll see you at lunch." Ryder says and he walks away.

"How would you like to go to lunch with me?" Dyaln asks and I nod.


When lunch finally came around, Dylan was waiting outside my class and I walked over to him. "You ready?" He asked me and took my books from me. A true gentlemen.

"Yeah, where are we going?" I asked him and he smirked playfully. "It's a secret." He said and I rolled my eyes. I don't really like surprises, but oh well.

When I got into his car, he raced to the door and opened it for me. "Thank you." I say and I get in. My plams start sweating and I wiped them on my jeans. My stomach started getting jitters in it and my beart started racing a mile and minute. I. Hate. Surprises.

He plugged in his ipod and them music started blaring at a low volume through the speakers. He tried changing the song, but it was too late. I had already heard it. I turn to look at him and say "You like this song?" Dylan turns a deep shade of red and mumbles "Yeah, its a good song." I giggle and turn up the volume.

"I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight. Oh my god, I feel it in the air. Telephone lines, above, are snizzling like a snail. I got that summertime Sadness!" I sing and Dylan relaxes a bit.

During the entire drive, we keep the conversation going and then we stop. At a deserted park.

"Are you going to kill me?" I ask Dylan. I mean, I hardly know him that well, so it makes sense.

He laughs nervously and says "No. I brought you to a picnic." He says and looks away. I lean over the arm rest and give him a kiss on the cheek. "That's so sweet." I say and he turns bright red again. I giggle and he gets out the car and opens the door for me. He takes my hand and walks me over to a picnic tabke and sits me down. He runs over to the trunk of his car and takes out a picnic basket.

"What would've happened to the food if I would've said no?" I ask Dylan and he grins. "I would've eaten it all." He tells me and takes out some sandwhiches and apple juice. I raise my eyebrows and he laughs. "Sorry, I didn't know what your favorite soda is, and well, right now, apple juice is all my little sister is drinking, soo... Yeah." Dyaln says and I laugh.

"It's okay. Besides, Mountain Dew is the best." I tell him and he nods. "I like Sprite better, but you know."

I take a bite out of my snadwhich, which apperently Dylan made, and we talk about our hobbies and favorites, goals, we really got to know each other. I seem to have understood him better. He was under alot of stress from his dad to get a schoolarship for a good school. Kinda like my mom and me.

My phone kept buzzing and after a while, it stopped. While Dylan was putting everything back in the truck, I slide my phone out and saw that I had 10 texts from Marco, 5 texts from Ryder, 3 missed calls from Emma plus 12 texts and 2 texts from... Josh.

My heart leaped at the letters on the screen and I instantly got annoyed. He's practically dating Emma. I need to chill. I'm practically dating Dylan. Dylan, who, brought me to this picnic and has been nothing but nice and kind and a total gentalmen.

I slide my phone back just as Dylan enters the car and he says "Did you like it?" I smile and nod "Yes. It was so sweet. Thank you" I say and give him another kiss on the cheek.

Wow, I really haven't updated. But, I blame writters block! Hope you liked this chapter! Add me on
snapchat - this-karina07
Ig- fearless_reader_
I dedicate this chapter to @underage_A for making this beautiful cover💓😭

Thank you for 20k reads! Its so crazy! It seems like just yesterday I decided to write a story just for fun, thinking about how awesome it wouod be to get 100 reads and now i have 20k! I seriously love yall!

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